Arborfield - What can WE do for you?

Release From The Deputy Mayor

Hello citizens! Here at the Arborfield government, we are seeking to know what we can do better for the citizens of Arborfield. Below are some polls you may use to suggest improvements, you may also comment below to suggest improvements that are more specific, and email us!
NOTICE: Please only vote, comment, or email if you are an Arborfield Resident! By doing so, you could possibly be transferring your residency!

Are you an resident of Arborfield?

  • Yes, I am a resident of Arborfield
  • No, I am not a resident of Arborfield. But I wish to transfer my residency to Arborfield.

0 voters

How are we doing at serving the citizens?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

How active are we?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

What is your opinion on the Arborfield Community College?

  • I Like The Idea!
  • Abstain or Meh
  • Why does it exist? 🤦

0 voters

How well do you think the Arborfield College is Going So Far?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

Are you currently enrolled in the Arborfield Community College, or interested in enrolling?

  • Yes, I am currently enrolled.
  • No, but I am interested in enrolling.
  • No, I am not enrolled, and am not interested in enrolling.

0 voters

Any other questions, comments, or concerns may be leaved down below. Remember, this poll is supposed to be exclusively for Arborfield residents!


Students of the Arborfield Community College may also vote on the poll. First Question is optional for students.

If first question is not answered, and you are not a student at the Arborfield Community College, your votes will be omitted.


Feels like a spinoff city in a way with the arborfield college and whatnot. But, I like your plans about it. I’d recommend there to demolish some of the vacant buildings which of whom are causing lag in the area, near the heliport and the Arborfield Shopping Outlets.

As a matter of fact, I find the Shopping Outlets a great idea if Commerce gets a new administration and start contracting businesses to join Firestone. They would have an opportunity with their shops in the outlet and whatnot. They could also occupy some of the vacant buildings in my opinion, and of which would be nicer if functional groups (associations, etc), could have their headquarters located in Arborfield instead of Redwood. It’s more calm and whatnot.


I wish Commerce allowed me to open a business…

But, they denied mine mid-dev stage for having too many citations.


That’s horrible. I wish I could do better for Arborfield by adding in more businesses and helping the city, aswell as the county grow. That;'s one of my ideas in my Senate Campaign, the growth of the county and to make sure the citizens are happy with our accommodations and they would also have a chance to gain a salary because they work at their businesses.

My plan is that Commerce (deemed as inactive by many people), Should reopen once again with a fresh, and newer administration.


We had plans for a casino, and parks in Arborfield. However, we were afraid that both ideas would be denied by the developers. Despite a park possibly being a nice addition to our city, or casinos increasing tourism.
However, I could see a reason to deny a casino, but not a park.


Parks sound like an outstanding idea. Just look at the amount of parks mayflower has. The only park I’ve seen so far is the one on prominence, near the camp site passing the Sonic. Plus, it would increase great RP for us DPW workers.

It would multiply more RP time, plus the fact we could actually serve for something besides simply sweeping and the people hating us for no reason. Parks are a great idea also, because DPW workers can pick up with trash sticks, and aswell as a good meeting place for people.


i just want to say, i appreciate the amount of effort you’re putting into something that has never been taken seriously/utilized before in the state

im sure im not the only one who notices it, and i want to just say keep up the good work


Thank you path, it means alot to me :slight_smile:

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what does the community college do

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I would like to state that this is the only time I’ve seen actually someone doing great actions. Might people find this community college shit as retarded. But you gotta realize he is extending the Role play aspect of Firestone. This Aborfield Community college can be a full time job with actual earnings if someone actually took the time and extend its realism. This community college can serve to educate people about firestone and how it politics works since there is a lot of people in Firestone that genuinely don’t know how the state even functions.

Keep up the good work bud ^-^


why can’t we add some spawns and a car dealer in arbor to make it a cooler place and help reduce rw crimes @pathwaysbball


i’d ask a developer that question as i don’t have any role in current firestone development


It teachs basic courses, like laws, POST exam courses, etc. Read the other forums about it, theres been a couple…


Thank you for everyone’s votes! Your opinions will be taken into account by the Arborfield government. :heart:

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