Antador for the State Senate

Hello, dear citizens of Firestone. I’ve been within the State of Firestone for nearly 3 years now, and through that time the state as a whole has both improved in complexity and, at the same time in some places, decreased in overall quality. There have been complaints of misconduct, ‘SS-baiting’ and many others. However, there is still plenty of time to fix these issues before at least V3 releases fully. I have served in the Firestone National Guard for almost 3 years (since December 2016), served in the SCSO, DHS and SCFD 3 times respectively and have served in DOT and FSP once. This, I believe, along with my experience in political offices gives me an edge over other candidates. I have also served with the County Council, albeit for a short time and have dedicated myself to this role as best I can.

I plan, as a potential Senator, to execute my duties to the best of my ability and as transparently as possible. On top of that, I want to ensure that the bills I present are actually relevant to the operations of the State, and not simply meme bills or bills that will make no impact to the people of the state as a whole. These include:

  • Bills with the expressed purpose of nullifying/amending bills that are either useless or legally flawed
  • Bills that improve the ability of law enforcement to execute their powers wherever necessary in a more effective manner
  • Bills that focus on specific departments wherever necessary, especially the Firestone National Guard

I would also like to see about assisting President Pro-tempore Hecxtro with bettering the legislative process and the overall effectiveness of the two legislative houses, as I believe that they both need serious improvements in order to stop putting out legally flawed bills and otherwise useless ones.

I wish to do much more than this in the future, however, I will need you, the citizens of Firestone, to help me with this. My DMs will always be open to the concerns of the citizenry and to their ideas, and I hope to see you voting for me during this election.


You have my full support.

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I rarely support candidates running for government positions however I have worked closely with Antador over the past 3 years and I find him very trustworthy. He always does tasks to perfection and has always prioritised the safety of the citizens within this state.

I support.

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absolutely 100% support

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I support

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Support, Ant will make a great addition to the Senate, she knows how to get stuff done, the right way.

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Can I support more then once? How about 100 times?

100% full support for her.

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Yes, now this could help very much I support.

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support lad

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Support, please do well.


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Oh. My. I support you all the way. Please win this. I’ve also worked alongside Antador, and I can personally say she will properly execute the duties of a Senator.

Representative, NotoriousAmerican

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Speaker Pro Tempore,

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support nerd

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support retard

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ya boi trucks

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