"Another one bites the dust."

“Another one bites the dust.”

Ladies and Distinguished Gentlemen,

The Firestone Department of Public Safety (FDPS) has done it once more. The recent announcement that was sent out to affiliate departments specifically pertained to first-aid certifications. Now, I am a fan of saving lives through proper means to do so, with first-aid being one of the most efficient and useful skills someone may possess.

In my opinion, FDPS has veered from acting more of an “investigation division,” as seen in their group description, to more of a regulatory department. Therefore, leading to my opinion on their public safety announcement. Others including myself feel as if this first aid certification course has been shoved down the throats of affiliate (branching) departments.

If the FDPS wants to make things happen with lessened backlash, they should have insight from those departments who will be affected by their final actions. I ask for your opinion on the recent announcement, in a civilized manner. You guys (generalized) have a voice, and it should be used to get who you want to dance to the beat of your drum.


Disclaimer: You are entitled to your own opinion, just as long as it doesn’t interfere with someone else’s opinion. Please be respectful while voicing your opinion. Finally, for Christ’s sake, stay on topic.


We already have enough to do as LEO’s and for DPS to come in and force us to be EMT-B cert, that’s not even right. They host it at these random times and some people can’t even come and when they can’t come they get suspended and terminated at one point and that’s not right. They should allow us the chance to go for a useful skill but not force us to attend this. If DPS continues to force us to do these things, not many people will want to be LEO’s.


Understandable. Now POST would have to implement this into their curriculums. This would be much more training in a smaller time frame.

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If yall hate dps so much send me bill ideas that would help improve your situation. My dms are always open @ roaringracer#3349

Congressman Racer


Bills are not always the way to go. We shouldn’t bypass the entire Executive Branch to get what we want. Instead, we should host meetings with the Governor and the person(s) of interest. Thank you for your solution.

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Force you to be “First Aid Trained” That is nothing like EMT-B. Its basically how to use a bandaid and basic gauze.


DPS is supposed to be a regulatory agency…? But I do agree it’s getting a little overwhelming. Eh, not my fight though.


In Real Life, Law Enforcement Officers are trained in First Aid, well in my city, they are.



From the standpoint of the Governor:

DPS needs to work on re-writing their establishment act. I can help them if they need it, from editing it to presenting it. They need a law that will help them carry out more things they want to carry out, yet still keeping me in the loop, somewhat.

Governor of the State of Firestone


i wouldnt be mad if i didnt need to renew my cert after every 6 months


It’s time for the executive branch, and if not, the legislature to take control of the on-going issues of DPS. The current power is being abused, and mis-treated employees are being wrongfully punished. It is time for change to come, and if that means laws, etc then that’s what it will take.

DOC is not a fan of this first aid training. Yeah, it’s realistic, but does a department suspend members for not completing it? Does a department terminate people for not completing it? No, it’s done in the academy. POST shall be called upon to do first aid training in one of their tiers. It is uncalled for to be threatened with termination and suspension if I do not obtain or “renew” my first aid certification on ROBLOX.

Assistant Warden
Department of Corrections


all they seem to do is place some uneeded regulations on a department without talking to the dept. heads first. first aid isnt needed to be mandatory, we have EMT’s, we have a lot of EMT B leos, and we dont need to add this extra stress.


“each day i wake up and i give thanks that my department isn’t under dps“

god bless the national guard

fuck mandatory emt cert. while i agree that it can be a useful skill, not everyone needs it and forcing everyone to get certified on a virtual game or face termination is just plain retarded. dps really should’ve thought this through better.

then again, dps doesn’t do much thinking at all.



bump bump

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Honestly, I see no reason why DPS, is coming out with “First Aid Certification”, when we have FSREMT, which is going to be back in shape soon, I also see no reason for the first aid certification, saying that I’m sure it likely doesn’t hold the amount of knowledge of EMT-B, or EMT-P, therefore, your only doing 5% of what a EMT-B, is capable, unlike a EMT-P, which are very skilled at their task, saying they were former paramedics.

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How are they abusing their power? They are well within their limits even if you disagree with what they’re doing.

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And they aren’t always a investigative department they serve other purposes but making cimnmand

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Command members like me take an emt cert I don’t use is rh

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DHS isn’t under DPS control, hue

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I’ll contact you on discord as I don’t wanna fill this thread with it

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