An Issue I want to bring to light

I’m gonna save you all from the toxicity and not be the one to name it a gate or whatever.

Good evening. I hope everyone is doing well on this great JULY DAY. I just wanted to bring your attention to a situation that has been clearly been brewing as of recent, but only this morning it jumped up to extremes. This situation includes our Chief Court Justice, and a sitting Senator, DevMartavis.

They have been bickering back and forth for a while, which was kinda normal at this point, but then Dev went on to leak things from the committee chat in the constitutional convention discord to Fedora. It was essentially Skye talking shit on Fed, saying we should limit his power, etc. etc. all that junk.

Things like up above.

But then we were notified of a message she had posted earlier this morning. Blatantly ignoring judicial ehtics and threatening political corruption.

I wrote to her saying what she did was stupid, and she shouldn’t have said that, and I said to simply remove both her and dev. She disagreed with me, and they were both finally removed. Though I will simply say,

I was softbanned from our Judicial Discord for disagreeing with her. And many of my collegues were silenced as well,

I really don’t care if I get hate for this, or if everyone loves me for this or no one cares. I think it needs to be brought to light that our current Chief Court Justice has violated several Judicial Ethics and has broken Judicial Neutrality to simply get her way in something. I fear this was not the only time either.

I also please ask you think about who you elect sometimes, and yes, I am directly pointing to the congressman who admitted he would “return the favor” to skye for simply expunging his record. We are here to better the State yet that is breached by incompetence and obvious corruption.

I will be logged out of forums for a while after this as I do not wish to argue with people as I have already stated my opinions.

Speaker of the House,


pointing out loopholes in legislation =/= corruption

unless you want loophole-filled legislation to be passing congress, mr. speaker?

thing i said to danny was a joke, danny is a good friend lmao

this is like the only true thing here

my discord is the only space where i feel comfortable in this toxic ass state. toxic people get removed, deal with it. if you have a case that requires you to be there you can rejoin with speaking gone role

also leave the poor congressman alone hes too new to be nitpicking his word use like that


bruh skye was just stating facts and you call that corruption?


You seem to ignore the, “You then also get the pleasure of me, a 20+ term veteran of the legislature and master debater, fighting strongly against any proposal you make in Congress.

But you only see what you want to see which I can not argue with.


I was softbanned from our Judicial Discord for disagreeing with her. And many of my colleagues were silenced as well,

It’s disappointing how the Chief Court Justice of our state can’t accept criticism.


It’s disappointing you can’t read comments



by pointing out loopholes in the legislation.

ya know, like i said earlier in my rant.

not sure whats corrupt about pointing out a loophole in a proposed CONSTITUTION cause thats not something you really want to have in a CONSTITUTION



I also love it when the same senator threatens criminals on discord for trying to do a RP, saying that “we were targeting him” when I didn’t even know the man was a senator until recently

we also love when he pages SS on discord after we took his phone away, gotta love the senator who doesn’t vote for what the people want XD


these are uncertain times, the ccj and senator bickering. very sad! but yeah corruption uncool learn to take critisim, dev also not very cool for what he did, but overall i am with josh on this one. dont let an agument blind reason



skye must have a clear vengeance for the founder as fedlaw is above law (:stuck_out_tongue:) . for context, this image is from roughly november of 2019 whilst the founder was streaming in the county.

im not here to bash on skye, but publicize more of her antics.


finally a new ccj?


as butsworth once famously wrote

“didnt read,
congress bad.
never produces anything but failures, idiots, or a mix. very SAD!”

can’t say i 100% agree with that but it applies to certain individuals yes


LOL that image brings good memories

also do you think im insane if i prosecuted fed id get yeeted so hard oml


how dare she try to prosecute my glorious founder who provides great resources that fulfill my enjoyment while playing Stapleton County V2!

off with her head!



viva la revolution, fed4ccj


If judges are going to be political then we should have term limits for justices like in other states. You serve for 6 months then get reconfirmed. If you fail confirmation or resign then the Governor appointments the next judge.

Cause lets be honest, if we are going to get all political then we need to have term limits to ensure stability and accountability within our courts system. It is sad that a few people can ruin the experience for everyone.


we only have like 5 qualified people in the state tho


terms encourage politicization of the court; we would have to keep congress and the governor happy to keep our jobs, which would in turn influence our decisions

no thanks


i brought that idea up a while back. that would make judges political


heil fedora unser ruhmreicher diktator