An Emergency Amendment to Allow Compatibility with Trello Workspace
Section I. The Criminal Code Revision Act shall be amended.
Section IA. The term ‘Criminal Code Revision Act’ shall be defined as: Criminal Code Revision Act (R). In this legislation, it may be abbreviated as “CCRA”.
Section II. Section IA of the CCRA currently states: “The Code shall be managed by a qualified legal professional- as nominated by the Chief Justice and confirmed by the Senate. Such individual’s appointment shall serve under the Legislative Branch, as part of the Congressional Public Advisory Committee. Such individual shall be expected to maintain the Code, such maintenance prescribed solely by this legislation. Such individual may not be removed, rather they may be impeached, as prescribed by the constitution. Such Manager may hold any other positions within the State of Firestone. The Governor of the State of Firestone and the Chief Justice of the State of Firestone shall be on the board also- they shall both be admins- the Manager shall be a normal user. Adding members for non-admins shall be disabled. The board shall be public at all times. The Code may not be on a Trello Team- this would impair its sustainability. Managers confirmed by Congress shall not be removed from the board unless they are removed by impeachment or resign from their position. Should a situation arise where a Manager must be removed from the board for any reason, the Chief Justice and Governor may do so at their own discretion for a maximum of 48 hours. Should the time period pass and Congress fails to remove a Manager, the Manager shall be added back to the board.”
Section III. Section IA of the CCRA shall be amended to state: “The Code shall be managed by a qualified legal professional- as nominated by the Chief Justice and confirmed by the Senate. Such individual’s appointment shall serve under the Legislative Branch, as part of the Congressional Public Advisory Committee. Such individual shall be expected to maintain the Code, such maintenance prescribed solely by this legislation. Such individual may not be removed, rather they may be impeached, as prescribed by the constitution. Such Manager may hold any other positions within the State of Firestone. The Governor of the State of Firestone and the Chief Justice of the State of Firestone shall be on the board also- they shall both be admins- the Manager shall be a normal user. Adding members for non-admins shall be disabled. The board shall be public at all times. The Code shall be on a Trello Workspace named “Firestone Codes”. The Chief Justice and the Governor shall be on the Trello Workspace. The Code, unless otherwise prescribed by legislation, shall be the only board on the Trello Workspace. The Trello Workspace shall not have a subscription. Managers confirmed by Congress shall not be removed from the board unless they are removed by impeachment or resign from their position. Should a situation arise where a Manager must be removed from the board for any reason, the Chief Justice and Governor may do so at their own discretion for a maximum of 48 hours. Should the time period pass and Congress fails to remove a Manager, the Manager shall be added back to the board.”
Section IV. This legislation to go into effect, given that it follows the procedures to do so, as outlined by the Constitution.
Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,
Chief Sponsor:
Lieutenant Governor Stamose