An Amendment to Decrease Citation for Littering

An Amendment to Decrease Citation for Littering

PREAMBLE: A Bill to Recognize the Act of Littering (Revised) was made for v3. This bill will bring down the amount an officer can cite someone for littering. The current amount is outrageous, especially because v3 isn’t fully released. In v2, you can’t physically litter but you can roleplay it. If you roleplay in a roleplaying game, you shouldn’t be charged such a high amount for roleplaying littering when there actually isn’t physical litter.

Section 1: A Bill to Recognize the Act of Littering (Revised) shall be defined as:

Section 2: Section 3A currently states:
“Anyone who commits the act of littering may be cited for no less than (200) Two- hundred dollars, and no more than (600) Six-hundred dollars.”

Section 2A: Section 3A shall now state:
“Anyone who commits the act of littering may be cited for no less than (50) Fifty dollars, and no more than (200) Two-hundred dollars.”

Section 3: This legislation shall go into effect immediately upon passage of both congressional chambers and the signature of the governor.

Respectfully submitted to the State of Firestone Congress,

Chief Sponsor,
Senator Kat4Katrina


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