An Amendment to A Bill to Redefine Street Racing (Revised)

An Amendment to A Bill to Redefine Street Racing (Revised)


SECTION 1: Section 2, Section 3A, and Section 3B of A Bill to Redefine Street Racing (Revised) shall be amended

SECTION 1A: The act of street racing shall be recognized as an unlawful criminal offense within the State of Firestone.

Section 1B: In this legislation, the term “A Bill to Redefine Street Racing (Revised) shall be defined as A bill to Redefine Street Racing (Revised).

SECTION 2: In “A Bill to Redefine Street Racing (Revised)”, Section 2 currently states: “Street Racing shall now be defined as; “A form of illegal driving which takes place on public roads in which two or more vehicles compete to see who is the fastest while breaking road laws in the process.”

SECTION 2B: In “A Bill to Redefine Street Racing (Revised)”, Section 2 shall now state: “A form of unlawful driving that occurs on public roads in which two or more individuals utilize their vehicles to intentionally engage in racing one another whilst violating traffic infractions and or endangering other individuals’ lives in the process.

SECTION 3: In “A Bill to Redefine Street Racing (Revised)”, Section 3C currently states: “Anyone who commits the act of street racing may be arrested for (150) One-hundred and fifty seconds for first offense, (250) Two-hundred and fifty seconds for second offense, (350) Three-hundred and fifty seconds for third offense.

SECTION 3B: In “A Bill to Redefine Street Racing (Revised)”, Section 3C shall now state: “Any person that commits the act of street racing shall be arrested for (350) Three-hundred and fifty seconds."

SECTION 4: In “A Bill to Redefine Street Racing (Revised)”, Section 3B currently states: “Street racing" shall only be considered legal if the race is approved by the Firestone Department of Transportation administration and takes place on a road with no other vehicles or people on the road.”

SECTION 4B: In “A Bill to Redefine Street Racing (Revised)”, Section 3B shall now state: “Street racing” shall only be considered legal if the race is approved by the Firestone Department of Transportation administration and takes place on a road that does not have any other vehicles or people on that same road.

SECTION 5: Should any part of this legislation be constructed by any judicial body of this state to be unconstitutional and declared unenforceable then that part shall be severed with the rest of the act remaining in full force and effect.

SECTION 6: This legislation shall be brought into law, given that it follows the procedures to do so, as outlined by the Constitution.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):
Representative cooldudesub



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