A response towards the response of my criminal justice bill before the released response to my new criminal justice bill

m8 i didn’t play roblox for half my life for nothing lololol

and yes I do acknowledge that this is a game

this right here is pure gold

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we support u in minimizing 72 hours, it’s far too long and i think everyones overreacting with how passioniate they are about getting virtual roblox avatars off the streets, no one should have to face a more painful version of a 3 day ban for participating in roleplay

“oH buT wE rAreLy uSE thE sEntEncE”
ok then its useless & needs to be removed ty


Scroll up and read the actual argument rather than mock one sentence. Half of the people, like yourself, who are defending this bill rarely go in county anyways.

Can we calm down. Was getting a bit heated a few posts up.


Support ALL THE WAY.

If I were to get 72 hours, I sure as heck would be like “bruh if they’re going to give me this much time i’m outta here”.

No person wants to spend 3 hours a day just SITTING in a jail cell.

responding to people posting stuff.

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Well yes it is your job to put the criminals away but you also have to listen to what legislature puts in towards restricting jail time. Also, I don’t see the point of putting in the whole “if you wish to obstruct” deal in your comment. Doesn’t seem relevant as he’s aiming to LOWER the jail time, not completely obstruct you from doing your job.

LUL JEF :rofl:

I really want to see what you’d say when you are in that position.

This is a great point right here.

no we aren’t

id join game and go afk

after 20 minutes u disconnect automatically

i honestly dont care whether i go in the county or not, as a former dev i am telling you it is absolutely retarded to let courts ban people, period

Do you even know how sentences work?

Like seriously,

Don’t want to go to jail for 72 hours? Don’t break the law. It is a simple concept, truly.

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72 hours is to short.

Make it 100. Criminals are bad and I don’t like bad people so it’s ok

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I can’t tell whether you are being sarcastic or not…

You do know that this is a game?

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Crime is apart of the game, maybe?

This is a GAME not REAL LIFE.

real life


noun: real life ; modifier noun: real-life

  1. life as it is lived in reality, involving unwelcome as well as welcome experiences, as distinct from a fictional world.

“real-life situations”




    1. a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.

synonyms: match, contest, tournament, meeting, sports meeting, meet, event, athletic event, fixture, tie, cup tie, test match, final, cup final, playoff; More

This is a GAME. Not real life. Crime is APART of the game and is one of the reason why there is LAW ENFORCEMENT. Arresting someone for more than 12 hours merely because they played the game as neccesary and making a ROBLOX charater RESPAWN in a game is NOT WORTH 12 hours of jail. or more.

Once again crime is APART of the game and playing a game doesn’t make you bad.

Thats like saying law enforcement are bad because they are playing the game correctly.

Honestly, the super long sentences are unnecessary and drive people away from the game which is exactly what he’s saying. Support.

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yeah but criminals are really scary and i dont like them

do YOU like scary people? no. i dont think u do.

infact, 100 hours is too lax. make it 200. hell, make it 500. i dont want those stinky and smelly criminals on MY clean streets.


yes make it 1 million hours

hi so the basic argument here is that the courts should be able to give someone up to 72 hours because they wont be able to do harm to anyone

thats a pretty harsh sentencing if they were given that much, because thats pretty much equal to a ban, as no one is gonna wait that long.

the thing about fs is that its running on the concept of criminal does crime, leo arrests, maybe has a trial and is sentenced. Both leos and the courts can make sure a guy who roleplays as a criminal can be put away for a LONG TIME. this is obviously counter productive for the state, because soomer or later, criminals are gonna wanna stop doing crimes altogether.

is 72 hours benificail to the state?

doj, lea and the courts would say yes. are they affected by this? no.

criminals would obviously say no. even if it is rare, these long sentencing would be as cinfiding as being banned. A lot of former criminals with long sentencing usually give up on forestone because of this

my point is that the long sentencing is hurting our state gameplay wise. People have to remember its a game, not where every time you die, youll be killed for life. Maybe when one is sentenced to a shorter time period such as 24 hours, theyd be rehabikitated, which is the main goal of sentencing someone to jail. And it doesnt mean you dont have the ability to stick in some community service from our good friends at dpw

so my final verdict

Is 72 hours too much?
Yes, it is.
Is 24 hours too little?
No I find it enough time for a criminal to be rehabilitated.

keep in mind this is just my opinion, both sides have merit to them. I just wanna pick the side that would benifit the most people