A Petition to Remove/Limit CFL

If I’m a CFL and I get killed by a LEO and I know the LEO thinks that I am the threat, then I actually wouldn’t be mad.

Well did you actually report it to the FFC?

Have you considered not being bad? Shooting at the police in high traffic areas is, indeed, likely to get some blow back. A lot of this just sounds like certain criminals are mad their low-effort crimes keep getting busted.

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Truly American

It’s already strict enough to get a gun, and here is a fact around 98% of crimes committed in the county via guns are ILLEGAL. There are exceptions of an over-entitled gun owner but let’s be honest here you won’t take my gun and I won’t let you take any other legal abiding gun owner’s means of protection and their rights.

Totally agree. Everyone should have access to firearms, cheap ones. I say that as a LEO and CFL holder.

unfortunately I play fs at 15 fps, at 1 graphics so ofcourse im bad

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I am in no way in support of the restriction of peoples right to bear arms, or remove CFL’s period… Although, I will say that a solid 75% of all active CFL holders, abuse the absolute shit out of their firearms. Most CFL users are extremely thirsty to kill people for what seems to be absolutely no reason whatsoever. The amount of times I witness CFL holders attempt to stand in front of vehicles just to get some shots off when someone drives into them, is higher than the population of Africa. They also think they’re warriors of some sort, and often tend to charge into battle when their hear the slightest bit of trouble nearby, it’s unacceptable. Down below, I’ll list a few instances below:

  • I once saw an off-duty deputy intentionally respond to a traffic stop nowhere near where he was located, proceed to go into the road and stand in front of the vehicle that was stopped, and then proceed to stand on the stopped vehicles hood and inform the driver to “say cheese”, and when the vehicle went to drive away following the traffic stop, the off-duty individual opened fire. The trooper who had stopped the individual had no reaction, as if he was friends with the shooter and was granting him a free pass.

  • The other day while I was on duty, I responded to an active shooter inside the car dealership. Myself, and other deputies proceeded to enter the building and engage the shooter, we downed the shooter with no injuries or casualties on our end, or on any of the bystanders ends. A mere minute after the shooter occurred, a CFL holder proceeded to sprint into the building with his weapon drawn, even pointing it at myself and the other deputies. Now off the record, I almost shit myself and shot him, but realized he wasn’t engaging me so there was no threat.

  • Another time, I was standing at the car dealership where I watched an individual in his Crown Victoria repeatedly ram a light pole, and to be honest, he was away from everyone and not causing any harm to anyone. I then watched an off-duty LEO, who happened to be a CFL holder, run down the street to where the individual was ramming the pole. Without saying a word, he threw himself in front of the pole and stood there and waited for driver to ram the pole again, when he did, the CFL holder sprayed him down, took his money, and ran away.

I’m not gonna sit here and go through all of my stories, but these are prime examples of CFL misuse of and cases of people putting themselves in danger just to make money off of non-CFL holders who have nothing else to do. It’s disgusting and abusive behavior, especially when they prey on newer players who don’t know any better.



Sounds something like

CFL Holder: “Stop ramming the pole!!11!!”
Rammer: “nah fam”
CFL Holder: puts self in mortal danger
Rammer: “Ok fam”
gets rammed
CFL Holder: “Ohh no I guess I’d better open fire and get free money

Basically CFL holders are wannabe shooters who want to be an LEO.


dOnT tAkE aWaY mY gUnS


Yup, I totally agree. This is actually exactly how I died. I was reckless driving at CD doing donuts and crap and this CFL guy comes up to me and says ‘Keep that up and see what happens’, I keep reckless driving, he moves in the area where I am doing donuts, I hit him, and I get blasted. lol

Considering most of them got a CFL under the LEO exemption clause, you can just remove the wannabe part


Honestly lads, I have a hard time believing most of these issues come from the 5/60 guys who I drill down to pass my CFCTs. From the experiences shared here, it seems to be off duty LEOs fucking it up for everyone, so maybe we should consider removing the LEO exemption and just make everyone attend CFCT if they want a legal firearm.


worst part about cfls is when they do try and become a vigilante and during a shoot out they end up getting killed and blaming the officer.

what r we supposed to do mid shoot out?

“OMG DO YOU HAVE A CFL” ahaha cfls needs to stop w/ the pretending to be a cop thats my job


@DannyboyJurist I’m not law expert here but back in my criminal days (when I played v2 24/7) i asked tons of CFLs for their name so I can report but they all say “nothing that concerns you” or simply look at me and walk away.

Then we shall just in courage more people to report to FFC for misuse of CFL.

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Take a video and have the cops get their ID under the RS exemption


Better yet then dannys, just get a screenshot of you asking and their response and DM any online LEO asking to take care of it (Or a 911 call if you have a way to word the call.) Id 100% do so, just gotta ask politely with some people more then others.

I’ll agree than some CFL are abusing af. Standing infront of a car and spray the car untill he fells off, set the car on fire or kill the driver. I’m kinda including myself at some point depending on the situation. But like, some CFL rush inside CD w/ weapon draw and IWannaBeSWAT to safe an hostage which end in the death of boths Hostage and Taker. At this point LEO shall have a good sense of persuasion if they don’t want to kill the good man and end his careers because of CFL’s holders.

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