This petition is going to the Governor of the State of Firestone, OfficerVideoGame. This petition is to reform the FBI Administration, From Director and Deputy Director. There is many of problems within the FBI. Such as Jurisdiction of the FBI, to Deputy Director Mark using the FBI for his own personal investigation into Law Enforcement Officers and whoever he wants. This was claimed by DPS Deputy Secretary WaterLostic. There is no leadership. There is no maturity. There is corruption.
Please sign or reply Support for this petition so we can get the FBI back on its feet with new people in charge!
If you’re attempting to impeach them, I hope you understand that Mark can’t be impeached. There’s no point to this, FBI is at their peak right now, and very active, things past leaders couldn’t do.
Addion to my former statement and releasing, where is the evidence? From what I see this is just slander as there is no eveidence listed. No support from me.
Yep, I know slander isn’t illegal, but in general purpose (Not the Firestone verison of Slander) that could be considered slander. Im not looking to press charges.
Our freedom of speech specifically uses “opinion” as what is not to be infringed upon. Slander is, and always has been, stating false facts in a particular way. It would not be a violation of freedom of speech- heck, it literally says in BOR.I that Congress can designate specific instances where slander is illegal.
Yeah, but let’s be real. Because this isn’t irl, and the average age here is like 15, any law that allows you to sue for slander, libel, whatever is just going to be instantly abused. And besides, due to BOR.I they wouldn’t apply on Discord or the forums anyway.