This would be unrealistic and also deadly causing mass shootouts and high amount of murders on the day of the purge.
the point of the purge is to cause that
This could help lower crimes and give a reason for people not to do crime during non-purge time
its only once a year so that would not work
I am pretty sure it is once a month in this bill
Crime rates will be decreased as people will try to save up money and to not get a warrant so they don’t miss out on it.
Having a warrant wont effect anything
Yes it will. That means that the person will be locked in jail while trying to finish his sentence.
According to the bill it will only be once a year meaning that they have the rest of the 9 months. And warrants are not more than 900 seconds. You are confusing warrants with prison sentences.
Its also unrealistic
Yet they made 3 movies on it. It’ll also help a LOT though.
I support the Purge Bill 100%
It is a saftey hazard.
Ok? It’s a purge what do you expect? Watch the 3 purge movies
The purge would never happen for the following reasons :
- A bill would never get proposed by congress.
- If one were proposed that person would be impeached, and the judicial branch or a veto would stop the bill.
- Also Fed would shut it down.
- It is being proposed
- They have no reason to be impeached
- No Judicial Review Needed for Amendments, and The Governor Doesnt Have Executive Power over Amendments
Well if it is through an amendment, Fed wouldn’t allow it. If this were to be proposed and if it were to pass, this would prove how stupid our legislative branch is. Not to mention, this would make Firestone the ultimate joke of ro-nations and prove Mayflower is indeed better. Our government makes us better than Mayflower’s tech, lets not ruin that. @anon89270917
I don’t believe you understand there are actual benefits to a purge in ROBLOX. In real life, it would be stupid and cause massive havoc… But this is ROBLOX, not real life. By having a purge day, we would enjoy the benefits of being a cop or whatever position, with the option to be a criminal once a month. This would allow people to commit crimes without ruining all the hard work they put into their positions. With the exception of CL5.
And the thing about Fedora saying no? Well, its just a government exception really, not much else. Kind of like a massive blind eye or massive pardon for one day.
Also, you activated my FEDORA CARD
We strive for realism here, I’ll leave it at that. Also when Fed pulls his own Fed card on the purge, he does have a say you must know that by now on Fed. If he doesn’t want something like this, he’d ban the problems, i.e. people responsible for the bill.
If he does ban the people, that would just kill Firestone as people will say it’s ruled by a dictator.
I really can’t tell if this debate is serious or not.