A Petition for fairness and equality (By JasonBourneAxis)

I seen worst addictions…

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I feel the max time should be 72 hours, the issues that I have is citizens get payed even less then prisoners (IF soup time is happening) AND unlike Mayflower which has a NLR when you die, your still hunted down which is sorta unrealistic.

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*I think Mayflower removed NLR. Plus NLR is lame I like being chased even after i die. So doe most criminals

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but I thought Firestone does its best to simulate a real state!

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Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or being a total moron

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Hmm, how about ways to earn money in prison, so when criminals leave prison they can have money.

cleaning dishes, washing prison, etc

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As far I know you earn money (¿9FSD?) per soup u make

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it is sarcasm

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yes very good

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I feel like you could please pretty much everyone here by making the time LEO’s in game can arrest someone for a maximum of 30 minutes and making the total maximum prison time that can be ordered by the courts 24 hours.
The 30 minutes in game sentence would create a bigger difference between certain crimes as right now some very serious crimes and some less serious crimes are both a sentence of 900 seconds in game and it would improve roleplay opportunities for DoC and Prisoners. Obviously they shouldn’t just double the jail time for every crime if this gets introduced and they should think more about what should be punished severely. It would also make sure criminals who commit around 10 crimes or so just spend 15 minutes like they could have by just committing 1 murder. Obviously having First Degree Murder as 15 minutes makes criminals more likely to commit other crimes as well as they’d be imprisoned for 15 minutes anyway.
On the other hand, the 24 hour maximum time would prevent criminals from spending an isane amount of time in the prison, which could make them quit the game as a whole.
I feel like the balance we have right now would still exist and criminals would still be deterred from committing crimes to a certain extent if we were to introduce this. Right now not a lot of LEO’s feel like submitting court cases and a lot also don’t have the time to do this. By raising the in game maximum punishment to 30 minutes even less LEO’s would be encouraged to submit court cases (as they’d feel satisfied with the criminal’s punishment) more easily, which in turn means that criminals who commit a lot of crime will spend less time in jail over all, but possibly more time after each in game arrest.


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