A Petition for fairness and equality (By JasonBourneAxis)

gta 5 is a cops vs robbers game and they have firefighters and tow trucks!

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U stubborn noob

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Congress won’t fucking budge on the prison time despite numerous efforts by myself and a few others

but hey, what’s new?


he learned it from me.

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Also i would like to suggest something

If we are going to have 72 hour jail time, allow the timer to run even when they are not ingame


Lmao this is a game the point shouldn’t be to stop criminals from doing crime, thats what fuels the state

if you want to do that make crime bannable


24 is still to much. Their are criminals who have a life you know for example kayy. Also there are criminals with no life like me or (sorry pinkie) pinkflamingos. Last time during my 55 hours I made so many soup that my fingers were actually in pain.


I sign & support

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This is stupid and you’re stupid.

Of course criminals want lower jail times they’re fucking criminals and only like 3 people have ever been sentenced to 24 hours since I started my career in law. I’m getting sick of explaining this to people who have no clue what they’re talking about.

Go back to your shitty gang or whatever

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im not a criminal i just dont take this game way too seriously
3 criminals sentenced to a whole day in roblox jail is 3 too many
we’re all in firestone to have fun, idk how anyone thinks its ok to put ppl in jail for a whole real life day


The tow trucks are wack in GTA 5 tho? But we all know Jason and what he has done but I have no comment on this matter. Don’t commit crimes and you will not receive jail time simple as that.

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If you want to change it go and join Senate/HoR and as I said there are MANY criminals not just the same 3 fucking idiots messing around

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the prison time might be a bit high but how the fuck are we gonna give criminals punishments. 15 minutes is not enough, they need some kind of higher punishment. mayflower has arrest times that range from like 5 minutes until an hour or so based off the crime committed. i think thats a great idea.


He’s talking mostly about the time given by court cases/sentences

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Simply get a plea deal with DOJ. And let’s be honest: a majority of the criminals ASKS for long excessive sentences. Don’t even come here and whine.



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i dont even like how you capitalized this

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As said many times before it’s not congress as an whole, it’s senate. The members of house have written legislation that has passed the house chamber but doesn’t pass senate. As senator tony stated before he is against the legislation and won’t let it pass the chamber. But as I stated in my speech if I am elected I will reintroduce the legislation and we can only hope the new senators vote aye on it. :man_shrugging:

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I don’t understand the point of having people sit AFK crowding servers in a prison cell. Just let the jail time run outside of the game and things will be fine.