A little thing about mental health


This state has been my place of fun and enjoyment on roblox since 2018. Along the way, I’ve met loads of cool people, all with differing characters and opinions of the world. I’ve enjoyed all the laughs and fun.

What’s any of this got to do with mental health?

Well… me personally, I’ve used everything I do in this community (ex. being a police officer, roaming around v2 enforcing the law and attending sits) as a way to take the edge off of thinking about and avoid dealing with my ever-worsening mental health issues.

I know of people that have stayed up super late, put homework or exam revision aside, etc., just to play v2 or respond to a pager request… I’ve even done it myself a couple of times.

To get to the point, what I’m trying to get at is that roblox is a gaming platform, it’s not your life. It’s taken me too long to realise that the way I use it does more harm than good to my health. Don’t fall into the same trap, your health matters. Go and live your life to your potential instead of taking it for granted.

Also, for the love of all that’s holy, show some fucking respect to each other. You might think your words are funny but you have no idea how harmful your toxicity is to someone on the receiving end. Some of the shit I’ve seen people take on the chin is down on the level of cyberbullying. That shit sticks.

You might hate me or you might like me but regardless, look after your mental health and don’t put down anybody else’s in those 5 minutes of anger over a lego game. It’s not worth it.

That’s it. Stay healthy guys.


I have also resigned from the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Public Safety.

I’ll still be around as a handy game moderator though :slight_smile:




Too late


I know I make rarely any sense but I gotta be honest, I do V2 as it escapes me from the reality of watching my siblings irl who don’t even listen to me and/or throw me under the bus to my parents. Although I had said some claims in the past that triggered people who despise me now and it limited me from entering departments. But I gotta be honest, I had been toxic myself mainly because my mental health wasn’t well, that good because of the hate I’d get from people. I wish it were to stop but the harsh reality is that case will never happen. Clown this and meme this all you want but remember that when you make fun of someone on something, they’re a person too and you don’t know what they’re going through. Just be mindful of that even though it’s a lego game but like being toxic to someone over a game error they made just adds fuel to the fire. Finally, if you need to, take a LOA and get some time off of Roblox or even balance out your time in Roblox and your real life if you decide to not take a LOA


o7 dan


o7 speaking the truth fr


bye dan <3


Well said.


woooo dan’s gone!


bro I remember being in SCSO and I was toxic as hell mainly due to mental health, Firestone was kind of my escape from reality because my real life sucked back then. I ultimately got terminated from SCSO:SWAT and then left SCSO and Firestone altogether and stopped playing ROBLOX for a while. in that hiatus, I kinda realized how much of an asshole I was to lots of people in this community and especially to some of my own SCSO co-workers due to how much of a mental grip that this game had on me

tl;dr you shouldn’t prioritize this game over your real life. you’ll end up doing things to people that ur gonna regret when ur gone from this community. (btw o7 dan, was a pleasure serving alongside u in SWAT)


dw u’ll still scan my cash <3


thank u for saying this honestly what half of us have been telling ourselves and ignoring, yet longing to hear from another person


lol if i didn’t play firestone and actually cared about life i would be the CEO of spacex rn


thank you for making this post. happy people are reminding others of this.

there’s been times when I’ve reflected on my time on ROBLOX, and I have felt like this has been a waste of my time at times. Though, it has not (for the most part, haha). Roblox is a great platform to enjoy yourself outside of the “real world”, though you must find a way to mediate it, something I’ve improved upon. Please, if you’re reading this and prioritizing it over homework due first period, get off of ROBLOX and do your homework. You are just going to be putting yourself into more complications and there will be plenty of time for you to play and have fun once you finish :grinning:

Congratulations on your retirement Dan, you’ve gone a long way. My first job as a legislator was alongside you in the County Council!


Respect. Firestone is not worth it, whether you realize it now or not. Never put Firestone over friends, family or any other real life activity. It’s embarassing.


You have always been an amazing person, Dan! Thank you for making this announcement, I think a lot of us needed to hear it. I appreciate having the opportunity to work with you over the past few years. :slight_smile:


ofc <3


omg i remember the council days… u’ve gone far places since then! ur right though, roblox is fun and all but you gotta prioritise ur health and the reality that life carries on


thank u madi, working with you has always been a pleasure and a load of fun!