This state has been my place of fun and enjoyment on roblox since 2018. Along the way, I’ve met loads of cool people, all with differing characters and opinions of the world. I’ve enjoyed all the laughs and fun.
What’s any of this got to do with mental health?
Well… me personally, I’ve used everything I do in this community (ex. being a police officer, roaming around v2 enforcing the law and attending sits) as a way to take the edge off of thinking about and avoid dealing with my ever-worsening mental health issues.
I know of people that have stayed up super late, put homework or exam revision aside, etc., just to play v2 or respond to a pager request… I’ve even done it myself a couple of times.
To get to the point, what I’m trying to get at is that roblox is a gaming platform, it’s not your life. It’s taken me too long to realise that the way I use it does more harm than good to my health. Don’t fall into the same trap, your health matters. Go and live your life to your potential instead of taking it for granted.
Also, for the love of all that’s holy, show some fucking respect to each other. You might think your words are funny but you have no idea how harmful your toxicity is to someone on the receiving end. Some of the shit I’ve seen people take on the chin is down on the level of cyberbullying. That shit sticks.
You might hate me or you might like me but regardless, look after your mental health and don’t put down anybody else’s in those 5 minutes of anger over a lego game. It’s not worth it.
That’s it. Stay healthy guys.
I have also resigned from the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Public Safety.
I’ll still be around as a handy game moderator though