A joint thank you letter to the Senators who think they know more about a department than their respective heads and field experts

No i’m asking if we can get an amendment to BOR allowing for recalls


lel thats crazy, cause i would be able to do that if i could have spoken without hec interrupting me


you had the opportunity to do so during the speech, this is what every nominee does. they go up, prepare a speech and tell everyone why they should be confirmed. you DIDN’T do that when you had the chance to beforehand. idk why it would really be necessary to drill it in so much. all you gotta do is actually make an effort to present yourself to senate so we can actually decide if you can or cannot represent the state. hec continued to question you because you didn’t give us any speech, hence we attempted to get information from you.


Show me where it says a nominee must have a prepared speech, I’ll wait.


again, me getting up there, waiting for hec to quiet, and then when he actually does, he immediately goes about asking me what my assignment is, and then the hell that comes about from that with motions, what am i to do? i tried explaining myself, what my assignment was, which is nothing, because i was never given one by blast nor ash, we were at-large.

again, giving me about 10 seconds to begin speaking, while i respectably wait for the presiding officer to stop speaking, and then him going off. silly stuff


Thats not true. I have never prepared a confirmation speech before hand.If people are able to come up with what they need to say on the spot that should not be an issue. I have done this and all my speeches have gone well and I have passed my confirmations. Saying you need to make a speech before is just not true and not needed.


plus you’d expect that a non-partisan position such as ambassador is done by voice vote since they’ve already gone through the DOS process of vetting but guess not, the real experts must vet them!


yea sure lemme confirm the literally any secretary for any department without them telling me anything about what they will do once confirmed.

i feel safe and secure knowing that the state will be in good hands when i blindly say aye


spoiler alert, not all nominees prepare a speech in advanced Emote.


no, not silly stuff. all of the senators were clearly astonished when you said you didn’t know anything about any assignment, nor did you have any speech.

he literally let u go up and allowed you to have time for one, then you say stuff along the lines of “nothing really to it” giving us 0 confidence in you being able to represent the state in anyway.


yea, some of them actually make the effort to make one in the spot regardless

sadly he didnt, spoiler alert, that gives us 0 confidence in his abilities to represent the state


You didn’t give him a chance to speak.


yeah im clearly astonished that you’d take it out on me that i didn’t have an assignment. its not up to me.


ok why are we focusing on this one guy, aren’t there two other nominations you failed without giving them a chance?


technically three.


we literally did, watch hec’s video if you don’t believe me

and when you see what his “speech” was and then you tell me that it gives us any visual to what his exp, plan, etc. anything at all.

its like he expected us to know everything despite us not even knowing who he was


well if i had the chance to talk ya, but i have no plans. there arent any plans for an ambassador to do except represent the state, only experience, which i have plenty of. sad!


Where is the video then?


then why would any senator see any reason to aye…?

i’ve seen the dobw sec have more plans then you do and that’s saying a LOT considering all they do is manage BOATS that a majority aren’t even in v2


because we aren’t a political leading position, we are ambassadors. we keep tabs with other states, and before you say its useless, its mandated. even then, there is an obligation, regardless, if you think in chris’s case there is no point in them, that doesn’t mean you can deny them. i have no plans because there is no need for plans, thats just silly shit.