A joint thank you letter to the Senators who think they know more about a department than their respective heads and field experts

Sorry, but they scrambled? No, they were just shocked by the fact that they didn’t get a chance to speak or present their side of things.

How can you possibly know that they “don’t know what they’re doing” if you know absolutely nothing about them?


Like I said, I wanted to table the nominations to give you and them time to sort it out. My motion was failed though.


Our senate was unprepared to be voting on these confirmations… He just proved this to us… That lies in the fault of our Mr. President of the Senate, for allowing the session to quorum with uneducated individuals; therefore disrupting the voting process.


again i care not for the failure at this point, but again what happened after. why the spin by chris in state announcements to paint us bad, plus the labeling on senate trellos that we “didnt know what we were nominated to” its silly


But if I quizzed you on my foreign policy, you’d be able to answer all of my questions, without refering to it? NOPE. You probably have never read one sentence of our foreign policy… But the nominee, from the SECRETARY OF STATE, is uneducated? Hm…


Let’s have a Foreign Policy class to teach the members of congress and then they’ll notice.


Again, I didn’t start the motion to PQ. Infact, I motioned to table since everyone else wanted to nay and I wanted to give them a chance to speak to blast and appear before us again refreshed. The cards were stacked against them and I tried to give them a chance.


Stop with the attacks


They can!

The entire foreign policy is right upstairs, on white-boards…


No Senator is claiming to be an expert on foreign policy. I know I’m not. I didn’t start the motion to PQ. I tried to table it so they could regroup and come back to a fresh group of people who weren’t immediately against them. I also mentioned in my original post that I would WELCOME them to appear before us again and get their time to defend themselves. I don’t approve of what happened.


It is no secret that the Senate chamber has been on a steep decline as of recent. At this point, no matter what, key legislations passed from the House go to the Senate to get struck down and die.

I believe it is completely unbelievable several legislations have failed there, giving the County more power over their departments by giving them the access to give wages to their respective departments, failed. Allowing the County to mark their own department buildings as restricted, etc, failed. Following the peoples voice in lowering the legislative seat number for Congress, failed.

I see it as no secret that these nominations failing are quite sketchy, as the ambassadors (one didn’t even get to give a speech) were recommended by the Secretary of State to be nominated by the Governor, and they failed them because they feel “there shouldn’t even be a need for ambassadors”, and “They didn’t even know what State they were going to be communicating with when being ambassador”. This is absurd, as one I don’t feel it is the Senates decision to say we do not need ambassadors, because if we didn’t it would not be written in the highest document in this State on how to nominate one. And if I do remember correctly it is the Department of States job to assign Ambassadors to a State, which how could they do that if the individuals were not officially passed to be an Ambassador?

The Department of Health has been a hot key issue as of recent, as it’s relations with the Fire Department have been iffy. Governor Ash nominated 2 individuals completely fit for the position and they were both struck down by the Senate. I feel this is just backtracking progress that could be made to better the already crippled Department.

The Senate needs to get there shit together, I shouldn’t expect a legislation to better our state to pass one Chamber and get killed in the next. I stand with everyone that feels these problems need to be addressed.

The one and only,

Speaker of the House,


It’s important to note that the reasoning you’re using for why the Senate failed them is CHRIS’ reasoning. Not the entire senate.


im sorry you were there?


Very political answer. Good luck in your election.


Well, if you were a bit more educated on the topic, you then would be able to vote on said topic. If you have no clue about foreign affairs, in no way, should you be able to confirm and or deny someone a confirmation, if you have no clue in regards to the position.

If YOU don’t know anything about it, you have NO RIGHT to say that they’re uneducated, and don’t know what they’re doing.

Clearly, you don’t know what you’re doing.


Give the people what they want!


Like I’ve already said in multiple replies to you. I had to vote with what I had. I made MULTIPLE attempts to hold off on voting but they failed. It’s my duty as a Senator to vote. AGAIN, I am in SUPPORT of the nominees being re-nominated and given a proper chance. AGAIN, I do NOT support what happened


I think he can still find out about what happened at the session from other people like 95% of the other people on this post


I’ve found congress to be a bit mediocre as of recent. I’ve liked the writing of certain bills, but despise aspects of other bills.

I have a great liking for the writing of the RICO Act, it’s a great response to the issue of organized crime. I have absolute no complaints with those involved in the writing of this bill, a great job too for contacting me directly regarding this.

I have a great disliking for the recent changes in the classification bill. There were several mishaps as a result of this bill, a senator forgetting to include any sorts of repercussions for those who leak classified information, that same senator failing to acknowledge the existence of ex post facto hinting for us to reform ALL classifed documents within a week (including those classified in the past under previous legislation) or… face the fact that we can be charged for improperly classifying documents… By the way, that senator forgot to mention that was apart of his bill to us!

We all love to talk about how incompetent congress is, but remember we voted them in! Maybe next time, don’t pick the likable candidate, get to know them a bit more, especially their political ideals.


I will admit, I did attend this session late, as my brother was graduating. So this is just from my POV.

This Senate session tonight was chaos.
Hecxtro was letting random people on the floor, they were speaking out of turn. I tried ejecting them, he denied it. I usually would have stayed with my family, as I expected David’s nomination to swiftly pass. That’s not what happened. They say “he was not prepared for his position”. This was not his fault. David is a competent man who is extremely fit for his position here as an ambassador, and I’m not sure why it didn’t pass. I tried calling it back to get re-voted on, though not a single Senator seconded my motion.
