A Joint Resolution to Create Default Debate Times

A Joint Resolution to Create Default Debate Times


Preamble: Many people abuse the debate time so because of this this resolution is being created.

SECTION 1: The following rules are to be enforced during any debate during a House, Senate, or Joint Session of Congress. This shall apply to individual debate, how long someone can talk for.

SECTION 1A: Guest, people who are not the presiding officer or a member of the house of congress in session, that have be yielded to shall have have a default debate time of 1 minute.

SECTION 1B: Individuals’ from the chamber floor of the house of congress in session that have been recognized shall have have a default debate time of 3 minutes.

SECTION 1C: Nominees, members nominated by the Governor and awaiting their confirmation, shall have as long as they want to debate.

SECTION 2: Individual from the chamber floor of the house of congress in session shall still have the ability to override the default debate time through appropriate motions as defined in Congressional Motions .

SECTION 3: The Presiding Officers of the State of Firestone shall enforce this Resolution.

Respectfully Submitted to the State of Firestone Congress,

Chief Sponsor:
Senator, Clonemep
Representative, Uncircuit

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