part 2 of my rant/tangent because I was busy last night:
reputations and statuses. if you don’t have an amazing reputation or part of the “cool kids”, good luck getting into power or more “selective” departments.
like literally, speaking personally, i have my same not so good reputation of “that annoying goofy 10 year old” because I joined firestone when I was actually those things. Even though it’s been 3-4 years, and I like to think I’m not as annoying things don’t change. especially since i get told I have a “learning difficulty” almost every day, by a specific group of friends.
and even if we get a founder ran gang, who’s gonna run it? the people who have good reputations and are a “cool kid”. majority of the FBI is also the same group of “cool kids”, so that adds interest for uhhhhh, 10 people? max?
(for the record not trying to diss the FBI, but really. most of them are the people in power or their friends.)
This has been ongoing in Firestone for a long time, although it has become an apparent issue within the last 2 1/2 years.
The group has grown majorly where you have to sacrifice everything in your personal life and attend to this as a full time job or even a secondary full time job. If you want positions easily and the ability to be a slacker, you require friends in power to get you there. Whether its through even bribery and or long-time connections, all or close to all mostly gained their positions due to fraudulent promises/guarantees. ”Hard work” isn’t rewarded or recognized, only your name is from who you associate yourself with.
Game wise, as much credit as you can give to the developers for actively trying to update the game and constantly trying to provide opportunities, v2 is still v2 and you can only do so much to try exciting old players.
Government wise, it is just the same people over and over being recycled, you can tell they lost interest or fire and are not compensating for the dwindling interest in the group. It isn’t necessarily the fault of these government officials, because a community becoming less and less engaged is not an abrupt change. They are part of the changing community so the harsh shift in interest is not so harsh to them, slowly happening. Unfortunately, the burden falls on the government to compensate for the lack of roleplay.
None of this is directed at anyone or is blaming anyone.
Everyone is talking about how v2 doesn’t get updated but I feel like something else is missing. How long can you be here for? I joined Firestone when I was 16 and last Wednesday I turned 20 and realized why the fuck am I here arguing with 16 year old criminals about whats FRP or listening to someone telling me “GIVE ME 15 HELL JACKS”. The game will get boring as you grow older because you grow out. I wanna slowly fade away and that’s what I’m going to start doing.
Even if v3 is out what’s the difference? Are people even going to play? At the end of the day no matter how you look at it this is a ROBLOX game that will die in about 6-7 months because it will get boring.
Strongly disagree tbh, when I patrol there likes 5-6 happening every 30 minutes and now its way more easier for them to get away too. The only thing I believe rule criminals need is that we don’t have units go camping at CD and wait their until criminals die.
Definitely!! You don’t see me active in RP communities anymore, the past is the past and I enjoyed every second of it! From Mayor in Norfolk, Norfolk Police Chief, Firestone Senator, and even FSP Major, plus many other careers. I enjoyed my time here, I won’t ever get to go back, as I’m in the real world now (soon to be active law enforcement at my local agency). As we get older we don’t have as much interest or time for it. I still enjoy video games and Roblox, I just don’t have time to commit to trainings, applications, paperwork, activity, or simply to “Roblox careers”. That’s why I’m simply a username fading away as new ones come in. Most people I had a career or friendship with are gone now, in their own lives. But I’ll always have my memories.
I’ll still join every so often to see the “mini” update coming along, and keep up in the discord. But who knows what the future holds…
Only sad part imo is that how its harder for younger people to join the State tho, like @TheGreenLego_Brick said, for newer people its hard to join something in Firestone because the requirements and standards are so high. 4-5 years ago you could’ve became a cop easily and had fun.
Nothing has changed in like the 2 years I’ve known you and even when told certain things you try to defend yourself without realising it’s wrong or stupid even after being told by numerous people
Ah, auto still on the “I need to be relevant at all times” initiative, hows that going?
If it were true why am I not banned from anything in Firestone whatsoever? My case has been explained and thats why I’m still able to freely play SC as I wish, and hold no bans from here or anything else related. Department blacklists are freely upon themselves and their own doing. But thanks for my welcoming return.