A cop rant

SRT issue I understand, back when I got an srt it was like 1 out of 6 criminals had SRTs now it’s 10 out of 6 criminals have SRTs

Enough said

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Honestly here

you can’t make LEOs and criminals happy

I disagree. The only problem with doing it, though, is that there’s a fine line on how to do it, and dicta- I mean Founder Fedora doesn’t want to comply with it. What’s best for the community would be a complete overhaul on how the game’s mechanics work, favoring platform realistic standards over “roleplay elements” nobody can enforce properly. As I said earlier, you can’t use the rules of a small roleplay group and try to force it upon a large community.


there should be a animation when you pull out your gun, which takes like 3 seconds, enough for someone to react


then we might aswell make every vehicle max 100, with the SRT having fastsr acceleration, and not having the F150s go 103

Yes that’s actually a solution too

LEOs just want to rush in to the hostage situation instead of negotiating

Yup, I’ll definitely rp a hostage sit when I’m just gonna be charged at with a taser by crt or swat and not get the money I request lol?

What Dogbuns13 said. But as well, most hostage situations are badly set up, so that we dont even really have to negotiate, you cant just run inside and shoot the taker. A lot of the hostage situations are done with fake hostages, so takers are afraid of shooting their friend and so on. In CRT we tend to set up hard hostage situations, where if you try to rush the hostage will just be instantly killed by the taker, but in V2 most of these hostage situations are either fake, badly set up or both. Obviously we wont rush if that will kill the hostage and we will try to negotiate, but we will rush if that will kill the taker instead.

Then stop driving to make us shoot? Mostly LEOs are standing infront to stop the person from driving away.

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I also am trying to find the clip of a undercover DHS in like ninja clothing, comes in tasing me and the hostage mid robbery instead of negotiating

Ey, look at this mans with common sense


Lmfao it’s not the same. I’ve driven both. Please go join DHS and drive it before commenting on my experience.
I’ve also driven the SRT and have also only seen videos of criminals driving them, they aren’t as hard to drive as the LEO vehicles. Vehicles which don’t have good handling include the Crown Vic, CRT F-150, Bearcat (sorda, it’s on the better side) and sometimes the Explorer stalls out randomly.
@Philip_Forth You’re a pretty credible member of the community, and you’ve seen both sides of the law, would you say the SRT is hard to drive?

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That’s quite an ironic message coming from someone who stands at CD with a firearm for the soul reason of being able to shoot someone who rams them. I’ve seen you there almost every time I’ve been in county lately, and the Sky_Law case further proves my point. You shot when you could’ve let an LEO deal with it.

What do you mean? I didn’t even comment on the explorer, I only commented on the CRT F150, and I said ‘if’ it’s the same as the civilian one. Never said it was a fact.

Yeah I realized that after I commented mb

I was giving examples

This is the video i’ve been trying to find for the past few hours, of LEOs just running in with tasers to get you.

funny enough, I asked for his name and callsign and he hadn’t given it to me, and didnt even say “rights in DOC” at all, just straight up arrested me right after. after this moment (not the first time) I lost literally all interest in Firestone and robbing banks, as it literally required thousands of dollars to POSSIBLY get 500 dollars - 45k, if you only make 500, you’ve not even made the money from the robbery for the drill itself. not only that, we had people outside to shoot the officers from the back if they tried to enter. all you see is that they rush in, tase & cuff.

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That video is old. I remember when someone was talking about wearing an outfit like that back during the outbreak.

If you get anyone doing that nowadays, dm me evidence, and I’ll shoot the person a dm. But about 99% of the calls we get at bank we wait at the door for backup.

well I mean it was near the end of october/start of november im pretty sure for halloween

That was an IO, they wear whatever they want

Not according to fed, group clothing only.

SRT is easy to drive :sunglasses:

You all have this argument, Fed wont do shit. @ me if he does because he’s butt hurt.

So LEOs are standing in front of cars to die? They are expecting to get run over considering how often it happens.