A Bill to Recognize the Firestone Fire Academy as Academy with Sub-Cabinet Positions

A Bill to Recognize the Firestone Fire Academy as Academy with Sub-Cabinet Positions


SECTION 1: A Bill to Redefine Academies shall be amended.

SECTION 1A: In this legislation, the term “A Bill to Redefine Academies” shall be defined as:A Bill to Redefine Academies.

SECTION 2: Section 1 and Section 3 of A Bill to Redefine Academies shall be amended.

SECTION 2A: Section 1 of A Bill to Redefine Academies shall now state:

“Should a group be recognized as an “academy” of the State of Firestone, it shall be under the Executive Branch of Firestone.

(a) The “Firestone Peace Officer Standards and Training”, otherwise regarded as POST, shall be recognized as an official academy of Firestone, found here: Firestone Peace Officer Standards and Training - Roblox

(b) The “Firestone Infantry Training and Education”, otherwise regarded as FITE, shall be recognized as an official academy of Firestone, found here: FNG: Training and Doctrine Command - Roblox

( c) The “Firestone Fire Academy”, otherwise regarded as FFA, shall be recognized as an official academy of Firestone, found here: Firestone Fire Academy - Roblox "

SECTION 2B: Section 3 of A Bill to Redefine Academies shall now state:

“(a) The Firestone Peace Officer Standards and Training academy shall be managed by a Director, appointed by the Governor. The POST Director shall be considered a member of the Cabinet.

(b) The Firestone Infantry Training and Education academy shall be overseen by the Major General of the Firestone National Guard.

( c) The Firestone Fire Academy shall be managed by a Director appointed by the Governor. The FFA Director shall be considered a member of the Sub-Cabinet."

SECTION 3: This shall go into effect immediately upon completion of the constitutional process required.

SECTION 4: Should any part of this legislation be declared unconstitutional or otherwise struck down, the rest shall remain in effect unless all is struck down or declared unconstitutional.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):

Senator Samtella



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