A Bill to Recognize State Holidays

A Bill to Recognize State Holidays


PREAMBLE: This bill is being presented with the intention to prevent an overflow of inactivity request and to give hard-working government workers a break from their Firestone lives.

SECTION 1A: Government employees will not be mandated by any department’s policy to work during any listed state holiday in the State of Firestone, however may if they wish.

SECTION 1B: Observance state holidays shall be observed by the State of Firestone but do not require department heads to allow time off.

SECTION 1C: The State of Firestone shall now recognize the listed holidays and observed holidays in Section 2.

SECTION 2A: New Years Day shall be recognized as a state holiday in the State of Firestone. The 1st day in January shall be recognized as New Years Day.

SECTION 2B: Inauguration Day shall be recognized as an observed holiday. The day set by the Founder of the State of Firestone for the Governor-Elect to take office shall be recognized as Inauguration Day.

SECTION 2C: Election Day shall be recognized as an observed holiday. The day set by any authorized member to host elections within the State of Firestone shall be recognized as Election Day.

SECTION 2D: Firestone Labor Day shall be recognized as an observed holiday in the State of Firestone. The second Monday in May shall be recognized as Firestone Labor Day.

SECTION 2E: Firestone Emergency Services Day shall be recognized as an observed holiday in the State of Firestone. August 1st shall be recognized as Firestone Emergency Services Day.

SECTION 2F: Firestone Founding Day shall be recognized as an observed holiday in the State of Firestone. April 1st shall be recognized as Firestone Founders Day.

SECTION 2G: Firestone Governor Day shall be recognized as an observed holiday in the State of Firestone. The third Monday of February shall be recognized as Firestone Governor Day.

SECTION 2H: Thanksgiving Day shall be recognized as a state holiday in the State of Firestone. The fourth Thursday of November shall be recognized as Thanksgiving Day.

SECTION 2I: Christmas Eve shall be recognized as a state holiday in the State of Firestone. The twenty-fourth day of December shall be recognized as Christmas Eve.

SECTION 2J: Christmas Day shall be recognized as a state holiday in the State of Firestone. The twenty-fifth day of December shall be recognized as Christmas Day.

SECTION 2K: New Year’s Eve shall be recognized as a state holiday in the State of Firestone. The thirty-first day of December after 5:00 PM in the employee’s timezone.

SECTION 2L: The Governor of Firestone has the power to amend to Section 2 via executive order.

SECTION 3: The Governor of the State of Firestone shall enforce this legislation.

SECTION 4: This legislation shall take effect once it passes both chambers of Congress.

SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

SECTION 5A: A Bill to Recognize Firestone Holidays is to be declared null and void. (A Bill to Recognize Firestone Holidays)

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):
Representative, Clonemep

Represenative, FightingTheFlames


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