A Bill to Recognize Contracts

A Bill to Recognize Contracts


SECTION 1: The use of contracts shall be recognized within the State of Firestone

SECTION 2A: A written agreement between two individuals which is subject to prosecution in the court of Firestone, of which they are both in agreeance to the terms and time limit of the contract that shall be recognized in The Firestone Court of Law.

SECTION 2B: One or more impartial witnesses must be present at the signing of said contract.

SECTION 3: Both parties must be present at said signing and must sign off: “I [NAME], agree to the terms and conditions of this contract”.

SECTION 4A: A contract that involves any illegal activity within said contract shall be voided.

SECTION 4B: Contract signing that are forced, faked or threatened shall be voided.

SECTION 4C: No contract may force signees to give away their rights guaranteed by the constitution and bill of rights, unless said rights are found to be limited by the Supreme Court

SECTION 5: The violation of a legally binding contract shall be disputable in the courts of Firestone.

SECTION 6: Those found guilty of violating a legally binding contract shall be subject to punishment by discretion of the courts.

SECTION 7: The courts of Firestone shall be defined as: Firestone Courts - Roblox

SECTION 8: The governor of the State of Firestone shall enforce this legislation.

SECTION 9: This legislation shall go into effect immediately upon passing both chambers of Congress.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,
Chief Sponsor(s):
House Representative, MrEmote

District Court Justice, Patchy319
Attorney General, Dannyboylaw
Correctional Officer, JasonBourneAxis
House Representative, B_ear
House Representative, policetonyR
Senator, UnDeveloped_Code
Senator, Rinextel
House Representative, BenCalamar
House Representative, iiMeepler
Senator, a_sbestos

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