MARCH 04, 2024
Chief Sponsor(s): County Executive b_aconxv
Author(s): County Executive b_aconxv
PREAMBLE: Whereas, this law requires that a County Clerk must be nominated by the County Executive and receive consent from the County Council to serve. This will bring a more in-depth process to become Clerk and may help find candidates that are more dedicated to the positon.
By virtue of the County Charter of Stapleton County the Council hereby establishes that,
a. ‘A Bill to Revitalize the County Clerk’s Office’ shall be defined as: A Bill to Revitalize the County Clerk's Office
a. Section 2, subsection c of A Bill to Revitalize the County Clerk’s Office shall be amended.
b. Section 2, subsection c of A Bill to Revitalize the County Clerk’s Office currently states: “The County Clerk shall be a member of the County Executive’s Cabinet and shall be subject to appointment and dismissal by the County Executive. The County Clerk may also be subject to impeachment/expulsion by the County Council with a super-majority vote.”
c. Section 2, subsection c of A Bill to Revitalize the County Clerk’s Office shall be amended to state: “The County Clerk shall be a member of the County Executive’s Cabinet and shall be subject to nomination and dismissal by the County Executive. The County Clerk must receive majority consent (1/2) from the County Council to serve. If the nomination fails, the County Executive must nominate another individual to serve in the position. The County Clerk may also be subject to impeachment/expulsion by the County Council with a super-majority vote.”
a. Upon passage of the Stapleton County Council and signature by the County Executive, this bill shall be effective as County law immediately.