To nullify a specific amendment to the general employment rights, and to re-establish it in different terms.
SECTION 1A: The bill to amend “An Act to Finalize General Employment Rights,”(defined in 2A) shall be nullified. The following legislation shall replace the nullified bill.
SECTION 1B: Subsection E of Section 3 of the “An Act to Finalize General Employment Rights” currently states:
“Right to Challenge: All employees shall reserve the right to challenge any decision of any employer in civil litigation whereas said decision pertains to employment status, reputation, or standing in a given community. Employees will not be able to challenge said decision if proof is provided by the employer of a complete violation of department policy or state legislature. Should a user wish to execute this right, they must desire to be reinstated in said department that has terminated them.”
SECTION 1C: Subsection E of Section 3 of the “An Act to Finalize General Employment Rights” shall now state:
“Right to Challenge: All employees shall reserve the right to challenge any decision of any employer in civil litigation whereas said decision pertains to employment status, reputation, or standing in a given community. Employees will not be able to challenge said decision if proof is provided by the employer of a complete violation of department policy or state legislature. Should a user wish to execute this right, they must desire to appeal their punishment and undergo litigation in the court of law.”
SECTION 2A: The bill to amend “An Act to Finalize General Employment Rights” shall be defined as this legislation, linked below: A Bill to Amend "An Act to Finalize General Employment Rights"
SECTION 2B: “An Act to Finalize General Employment Rights” shall be defined as this legislation, linked below: An Act to Finalize General Employment Rights
SECTION 2C: “Litigation” shall be defined as: “the process of taking legal action within court, known as prosecution or a ‘legal dispute’.”
SECTION 3: The Department of Justice, Executive Branch administration, and the Firestone Courts shall enforce this legislation.
SECTION 4: This legislation shall be implemented immediately upon passage of both chambers.
SECTION 5: In the event that a law is found that contradicts this legislation upon passage, it shall be nullified by the future chambers via presenting new legislation.
Respectfully submitted to the House of Representatives of the State of Firestone,
Chief Sponsor(s):
Major Inventize, Firestone State Patrol
Speaker Pro Tempore, MrEmote
Deputy Rinextel, Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office
Corporal Sharm500, Firestone State Patrol
Deputy Startrooper2345, Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office
Corporal Tor_Laws, Firestone State Patrol
Trooper TacticalAuthority, Firestone State Patrol
Corporal iiCuffAviator, Firestone State Patrol
Secretary Ftlicious, Department of Public Works
Sergeant ESClaudio777, Firestone State Patrol
Trooper Roblox_GamerzOP, Firestone State Patrol.
Corporal Kro_x, Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office
Major Code_Law, Firestone State Patrol