A Bill to Define Self-Endangerment

A Bill to Define Self-Endangerment


Section 1. “Self-Endangerment” shall be defined as the illegal act of negligently participating or conducting in dangerous activities risking one’s physical health.

Section 1B. Self-Endangerment shall not be considered ‘suicide’, but instead shall be considered as the partaking or conducting of dangerous feats risking one’s physical health.

Section 1C. Self-Endangerment can be and is limited to, walking on buildings, standing on the railings of bridges, standing on tall walls or fences.

Section 2. Self-Endangerment shall be considered a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by no more than an arrest of (350) seconds in state prison, and a maximum fine of five hundred (500) dollars.

Section 2A. First-time violators shall receive no more than a two hundred (200) dollar fine.

Section 2B. After 2 violations, the violator shall be imprisoned for (350) seconds in the Firestone State Prison.

Section 2C. Repeated violations shall consist of punishment of no more than an arrest of (350) seconds in the state prison, and a three hundred (300) dollar fine.

Section 3. This piece of legislation shall be enforced by all law enforcement agencies of the State of Firestone.

Section 4. This legislation shall go into effect immediately after the passage from the chambers of Congress, and signature of the Governor.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):
Representative, AsianImpression


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