A Bill to Approve Public Safety Terminations

A Bill to Approve Public Safety Terminations


SECTION 1: The Public Safety Establishment Act shall be amended.

SECTION 1A: Section 1B currently states: “The Firestone Department of Public Safety may fire any employee of any department the Firestone Department of Public Safety has jurisdiction over; as long as they are not the department head of the department in question, and a message of direct consent for removal from the department head or the Governor is received.”

SECTION 1B: Section 1B will now state: “The Firestone Department of Public Safety may fire any employee of any department the Firestone Department of Public Safety has jurisdiction over; as long as they are not the department head of the department in question, and a message of direct consent for removal from the department head and the Governor is received.”

SECTION 2: The Public Safety Establishment Act will be defined as: The Public Safety Establishment Act

SECTION 3: The Department of Public Safety’s departments under jurisdiction will be defined as:

SECTION 3A: Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office: Stapleton County Sheriff's Office - Roblox

SECTION 3B: Firestone State Patrol: Firestone State Patrol - Roblox

SECTION 3C: Firestone Department of Corrections: Firestone Department of Corrections - Roblox

SECTION 3D: Firestone Peace Officer Standards and Training: Firestone Peace Officer Standards and Training - Roblox

SECTION 3E: Stapleton County Fire Department: Stapleton County Fire Department - Roblox

SECTION 4: The Department of Public Safety will be defined as: Firestone Department of Public Safety - Roblox

SECTION 6: This legislation shall be enforced by Governor.

SECTION 7: This legislation will take full effect immediately after passage.

SECTION 8: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):
Senator MrEmote


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