A Bill to Amend “A Bill to Define and Make Disorderly Conduct Illegal”

A Bill to Amend “A Bill to Define and Make Disorderly Conduct Illegal”


PREAMBLE: This legislation proposes that "A Bill to Define and Make Disorderly Conduct Illegal" shall be amended to include the scaling of buildings, or sitting on rooftops of buildings as disorderly conduct.

SECTION 1. A Bill to Define and Make Disorderly Conduct Illegal shall be amended.

SECTION 1A. A Bill to Define and Make Disorderly Conduct Illegal shall be defined as: A Bill to Define and Make Disorderly Conduct Illegal

SECTION 2. Section 1B currently states; This shall include, but not be limited to: Attempting or succeeding in glitching other’s vehicles, indecently exposing oneself in public, relieving oneself in public or about a public way, and threats to others.

SECTION 2A. Section 1B shall now state; This shall include, but not be limited to: Attempting or succeeding in glitching other’s vehicles, indecently exposing oneself in public, relieving oneself in public or about a public way, scaling a building illegally as well as sitting upon a rooftop without permission from the property owner, and threats to others.

SECTION 3. Upon passage from both chambers of Congress and signed by the Governor, this legislation shall go into effect immediately.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):

Representative Joshernaut

Co Sponsor(s):

Ambassador FaneuilLaw

Senator MartynLafayette

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