72 Hour Jail Time

Representative Firetreat21 proposed a bill for lowering max time to 48 hours, and it still failed. Honestly, I tried myself to go down to 50, but I mean, it just won’t happen probably any time soon. But I do understand others side as well. I’m neutral in this topic.


I have proposed yet another amendment to the Constitution regarding this topic. An Amendment to C.III.III

Whats the point?

makes jail time lower
1-2 months later
Makes jail time 72

Your argument has no foundation because nobody actually ever genuinely gets more than 30 hours in prison

Colin: gets 10 hours for 1 (ONE) murder, if he committed 3 he would’ve gotten 30

Philip gets 72hours + 32 hours for committing crimes that are essential for a cops vs criminals game

and pink gets 72 hours for committed 10 murders within like a week. again, part of the game

and you’re saying nobody gets more then 30 hours?


Hello, my name is JasonBourneAxis. I ran a gang called “Insurgents” which died out when I got banned for 'raiding" departmental discord servers.
I’m known to many as a “snitch” I fought for the state, risked my reputation catching Cabinet members, criminals, Senators, and a few more as Senator, and after my explusion (which I was NOT present, I was on vacation and told shark I couldn’t attend) I had nothing to do, so I turned to the life of crime, where people actually cared about me and respected me.

Honestly, people who are against this will soon realize the outcome of neglecting us criminals, as about 95% of us left or got banned from Firestone. I can’t argue anymore, no one understands at all. If you wanted a detailed version of the post I’m replying to right now, go here A Petition for fairness and equality (By JasonBourneAxis) I loved Firestone in my heart, some good people. Toxicity and disrespect ruined it, it’s the communities and moderators fault for this. People won’t listen, they never will. I fought for this as a Senator, and as a criminal. When a few good people made legislation to solve these issues, these were one faced arguments. I did get to speak, but Hecxtro got me ejected for speaking for a long time, I spoke in favor of a legislation, I think it was the one to raise wages. But when you get ejected, it means you can’t ever step foot on the floor So I couldn’t speak in favor of other legislations to fix the issue, and ultimately as Senators spoke not in favor of my cause. As I couldn’t defend myself, it failed. Congress still had hope back then, but now, it’s gone to shit, I have to put it out there. It’s really simple to argue in favor. It’s a fucking game, and it will forever be that way. People don’t listen anymore, Firestone is going to die soon. The only hope is a revolutionary V3.

How does this relate to the topic at hand?
Community to respect and consider the criminal side.
Most of us weren’t toxic, we just wanted to increase roleplaying. You’ve seen the result of that now.
If congress is still alive, lower it down to 24 hours. Simple as it is. That’s all I have to say. If I could fight for it again, I’d do it 100%, but as I can’t. It’s on the community, please consider the criminals.

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Pink and philip (philip has stopped though) are the most notorious criminals in the state, and they were sentenced that high like a year ago, during the era of patchy and uncircuit as DCJs

I think I only gave 72 hours once lol

what about nochildsupport

Child support?

its someones username (nochildsuppor_t)

Childsupport didn’t get jail sentences I think but I know my homie mcbarny got 17 hours so he quit v2

Honestly the greatest solution for this is to have court convictions times to down while offline aka outs of game


You gave 64 to my friend Andrew before and he got basically an anxiety over it and quit Firestone but later came back to exploit and got banned

o7 to andrew ;(


She finished her sentence we played around the other day uwu

I mean hey, he was the one who refused to stop disturbing proceedings
I’m usually chill, but if you don’t stop when I tell you to as a judge, I go Asian mode.

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Asian mode is karate or kung fu tho

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no it’s bitchslapping students with rulers and detaining them in the teachers’ lounge