Dec 2025. Dear citizens of Firestone, I ZackyYoyo have decided to run for senate during the special elections being conducted. You may ask why vote me? A jobless middle-class citizen who just came back after quitting Firestone? Because of my skills and qualities such as Activity, Maturity, Communication. Collaboration and Teamwork are good skills that I believe will assist the State and Senate with all things big and small. My intentions as a Senator would be more public outreach along with ensuring the public is given what they want to be added and their opinions are heard and considered and not brushed off by people. Some of you may think this guy resigned during his term in the Prominence District Council will he do that again. The reason I resigned due to real life problems and I didn’t have time but I have freed up time for Firestone and I ain’t backing out this time. Any questions or concerns comment them here or DM me and I will answer them.