XxSoruceLawXx: Greetings, citizens of Redwood and the State of Firestone. I am XxSoruceLawXx, your Mayoral Candidate. I’ve been a part of the Firestone community for some time now. I’ve gotten some experience with the government and have managed to make a positive change within Firestone. Firestone needs a new generation of politicians to lead in our government and I am a strong and suitable candidate just for that. I have Passed some successful legislation throughout my Firestone political career. I am ready to take the next big step in running for the office of Mayor in Redwood to really make a change. I will make sure all citizens have a voice and are heard. I will be your next generation leader bringing a brighter future and brighter hope to our wonderful city.
DPW Employee
Business Owner
County Councilman (x2 Terms)
Mayor (x1 Term)
PDP Recruit
1Zaywill5665: Greetings, Citizens of Firestone, My name is 1Zaywill5665, and I am excited to announce to you all that I am for Redwood Deputy Mayoral Candidate! I’ve concluded that being a Councilor isn’t enough to make a change. I have thought about it for a while, and happily me, and Soruce want to begin making changes in Redwood. I am excited to be running so me and Soruce can bring changes to Redwood for the better!
I have seen face-to-face how much Redwood could improve, and I’ve been told by citizens they have concerns. If we are elected I would like to put time into civilian concerns but also our agenda at the same time! I want to take this term, working with the council, city/state employees, and the Redwood Police Department to hear your ideas so Redwood can come together and rise for the better. We believe in Redwood you should be who you want to be! Together We Rise, Together We Flourish!
County Councilman x2 Terms
County Chairman
POST Academy
Redwood Police Department
Business Owner
Legislative Branch - The administration will work closely with the legislative branch to ensure that proper legislation is passed by the city council and signed by the administration. We will ensure that the city council actually does their job and the administration will sign laws that are necessary to the city and not just legislation to legislate.
City Departments - The administration will work alongside the Redwood Police Department (RPD) to make sure their needs are being met. We will ensure that they are supported by the administration in fixing any issues that may arise. We will also work closely with the Redwood Police Department (RPD) to ensure that they are heard and their concerns are voiced.
Public Events - The administration will be sure that events happen more often by working alongside city officials and leaders. We will make sure that business fairs are hosted monthly as well as some other events throughout the month.
Businesses - Businesses are the backbone of our city’s economy. We will listen to any of their concerns and make sure their needs are met. We will be sure to appeal to any new businesses looking to open within the city and will build a strong economy. We will also continue the business grants programs to ensure all businesses can get money to utilize towards their needs. We will set up a system where we feature an active business that’s dedicated to serving the city by staying active, hosting shifts and putting forth effort.
Transparency - Transparency in government is always important in a democracy. We will get bi-weekly press releases so citizens know what is happening around our city. We will also utilize our social media platforms more such as our Twitter so citizens can stay up to date with what’s going on around Redwood.
Accomplishments Last Term - The administration has made several accomplishments in the last term. We rewrote the mayoral decree handling business grants to strengthen it and make it more clearer. We got a new city twitter up and running with the help of the city council. We issued many awards recognizing those who serve the city well as well as the multiple businesses who have made contributions to the city. Lastly, we worked with the RPD to enact mayoral decree #34 which entails the RPD to send a monthly report to promote transparency and we have released monthly press releases to keep the citizens in Redwood up to date on what is happening in the local government.