xXDANNYDISBOSSXx for the House

Hello, I am xXDANNYDISBOSSXx, a very unknown figure in FS, I know this will be a tough battle for me as I don’t have many ties to anyone, maybe this is a good thing as nothing will be holding me back,let me start by saying I know that I am not the strongest candidate but I am hoping to make a real change. There is a big issue currently, and as you can see, these same people who are running have neglected their duties and have not fixed any major issues in a long time, there is a reason why the people did not vote in the last election, not only that the vote was so split that we did not have a proper agreement. I love this state and the people, it just pains me to see some people are not as invested in it, so that is why I asking for those who still care about this state to hear me out on some of my ideas.

My plans and goals:

Encourage people to get more involved in law-making and ideas, this is important as many do not understand what we in Congress do, or what we are able to do to help them.

Help the people recognise that they have the power to change things and bring new stuff to the table, I will do this by helping them bring the laws that they need to be implemented.

I will remain active unlike some who seem like once they win go without a trace neglecting their duties not only in congress but to those same people that voted them in.

I want to stay in touch with the people having my DM’s open to any ideas or thoughts, so I can be an outlet.

I don’t belong to one school of thought and am very open to new ideas if it needs to be done it will be.

Just a last couple of thoughts. I want to work with everyone those who supported Nicole, or Ash and can find a voice with me. I want to help our men and women in the service giving what they want, whether that be new policies, or giving them more protection. I know that I may be pandering, but that is what must be done to get what you want. Many of my fellow candidates have laid out their plans without consulting the people or asking what they want, once I get enough submissions, and even before then I will be hosting a Q&A’s, if you have any questions DM me at SCUBA DIVE DAN#7504, thank you all for your time, and for hearing me out on this idea.


I’ll support so you get the experience of running BUT: I recommend you go for smaller positions such as municipal or county first.


I understand, and thank you, I just think I can get more done at the State level, you know what I mean? Anyways thank you very much, and I wish you luck!


No worries! I’d love to DM you and help you get started, it’s always lovely to see a fresh face in this place!


no support, no sign of concrete legislative plan


Will do! Cant wait to talk with you!


Please DM me if you would like to know more, as I do have ideas, but my campaign is meant to be a platform for everyone, this is not meant to be my thoughts and ideas, while I have loads this is about you.



This sentence is here cuz discourse meen >:(


Candidate did not meet required signatures by campaigning deadline.