WockaFIockaa for Senate

Hello everyone! First of all I’d like to thank you for reading this and will hopefully you’ll be in the favour of supporting me after.

So first off all I’ll start off with my changes:
#1. I’ll be adding and be more in the favour of what citizens want
#2. I’m going to be acting more mature
#3. Will be making wise deicisions
#4. Will be very active
#5. Give the citizens what they want

Now let me talk about my past experience
I have worked in a group with 1k+ members as a County Council member before and have been one of the best and the most likeable from all of them, I have always listened and made changes to what the citizens what and what they want to get once they have made me as their CC. But here I’m going for Senate and will make sure to listen to the citizens and make changes to what they want! And I have worked in many Police departments before such as, NYPD (Sergeant), Chicago Police Department (Officer) and currently work in FDOC as Correctional officer. I think I have been worked on with it enough to understand and know how things work.

#1. I’d firstly work on making sure that all the FS departments have a great leader leading it and making sure that they are workng as supose to be, I’d put lal my effort and time into making sure for that to happen.

#2. Secondly, I’m be working on the improvments that the FS goverment currently needs but is awaiting for a good admistration to join in and make it happen, I will be working on that and making sure that the goverment is responsible enough to keep FS a great running state!

#3. After doing that, I’ll be working on the safety of public in FS, As we all see crimes happen EVERY day in Firestone and think it’s common and something Law enforcement will deal with easily, but in reality, the Goverment in power can aviod these crimes for example, we can see many people mis-use their legal firearms, we can aviod that, have strict rules etc.

Ladies and gentlemen, with me being elected as Senator, I en-sure you these changes taking place and en-sure you a better, and a safer state to live in under my adminstration and many others!

With that been said, I’d like to thank you to support me if you like to and will make sure to not let you all down!

Thank you



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support no one is really good or running

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Why not, you seem like a good canidate.



Support, why not

Representative Fancy

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i see that you changed your speech a bit,

but still no support sorry

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Elections are over.

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