Why you should NOT vote for Senate Candidate Joxility

Representative Joxility has had a pretty turbulent past few weeks. Starting off with his escapades of falsely claiming he was kidnapped, then his POST blacklist, and now potential prosecution.
Firestone, I ask you this: How can we even think of voting for someone on the ballot if they show extreme immaturity for their office and the responsibilities withstanding of it.
As we say on the House floor, I highly urge a nay or no vote on this candidate for their lack of maturity and responsibility.
Keep Congress professional, and don’t vote for Senate Candidate Joxility.

Speaker of the House,



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:+1: I agree.

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I agree. :+1:t4:

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To my defense, 1. There was not fake kidnapping the false accusations against me were never backes with proof the only reason it got out that they were fake is for I blocked FBI after they DMed me over and over. That clearly made them upset which resulted in them having bias towards me. Now my problem with POST, my actions were not just ** I take full responsibility for arguing woth POST instructors and cussing back at one after being cussed out. We all make mistakes and I made one. I do not think you shouldn’t vote for me, I messed up when it came to POST. I apologize. Thank you, Joxility.

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Agreed, he wastes valued resources and really time.

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