Why Senate should now vote Nay on the Dissolvement of the County Government

wasn’t it the cc that put mack in that situation anyway

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far from the ash era

Then lower our power not dissolve us?.. our charter already states we have the power to “impeach county officials” I find it kinda bullshit when you said we were “pushing our limit” trying to impeach a department offical. I admit the council were fucking stupid for the bill but I’ve seen way more mistakes by the state government that NEVER have been addressed my whole entire time in scso and the county government. Hell if your gonna punish us for doing something we have the power to already do why don’t we just punish the state government cough the Senate for a few of there mistakes? We aren’t fucking perfect like brotix said “the county government is pretty much a playing field in a sense it was designed for the county officials to make mistakes so when they join the state government they wont mess up as badly”. Words from the former CE/Attorney General himself. I just find it unfair that if we make a few mistakes on a lower end government with less power we HAVE to get punished yet if a higher end government with WAY more power then the county government makes a few mistakes they don’t get punished?


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Yes, but 2/3 of us LISTENED TO THE PEOPLE, and now he’s still here.

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the bill includes a restructuring of the county government by congress in which those problems would be fixed.

The bill at the end dissolves the county government for a solid fucking month we have been working our fucking asses off to actually fix our past mistakes if you haven’t noticed mr. Senator. There’s no way of sugar coating it your firing us boom thats thats the bare truth.

I did not draft the legislation, I would have changed some things about it but what is done is done. I just get what I was given.

Your a senator aren’t you? You vote on the bill am I right? YOU have the power to end several jobs that people actually worked hard for. 1 vote that takes 3 seconds to press a button on a GUI determines if my councilman and I actually get to keep our jobs or say good bye

if this “fix” includes making CC primary, help your self. No one is going to do it. There are more interesting jobs out there. The County government will be long gone by the time the month is over. just sayin

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three words

I am just listening to what the citizens have to say. I make a judgment off of those comments along with the poll results.

The bill has been stated by the sol. general to have many issues that could result in possible legal conflicts.
Another reason to nay


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If Senate were to vote “Aye” on the Bill to Dissolve the County Government, they should realize that they are removing the jobs of new elected people. This is why I said give Mark a chance to fix the County Government. The entire council can fix the County Government.


i’ve said it before i’ll say it again, ya’ll need me back as county executive.

yes ash
only if you RAN

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why should we trust a man named mark
“newly elected people”
both have jobs
I bet you no one focuses just on CC
they also have other jobs to care about

i did, i had the most support then somehow the person with the least amount somehow won

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As I stated in the congress discord, Mark is a new CE and I feel he needs a chance to fix the county government. I stated we should wait at a minimum a few days to evaluate if the county government is going to be okay in the current state.


how about no
you seen how mark is
you seen how most people are
if u want to fail us again, go ahead and make everyone mad