Why isn't Homeland Security Under Department of Public Safety?

Because they’re competent

Something this fucking state lacks


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DPS has no business seeing what we are doing, even if it’s just our field operations, DPS has tried to get FNG, that failed, they have tried to get DHS, that failed too, so why can’t they just fuck off? Because they have fucked their current child departments dry, and now they want the opportunity to take a organized, functional, top-of- the-line department, and fuck it over.

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DHS is tasked with protecting the state and its officials. This needs to be unhindered. Not only do they deal with classified information, they have to protect government officials and government property. They are very different from the other LEAs. I fully agree that the DPS should have no ability to intervene with them.


Retardation - Retardation, we’re outnumbered fifteen to one, and the discussion began…

DHS can’t be and will never be under DHS. No discussion. This is a pretty dumb question.

im wondering why we have homeland security if we’re a state.


My state has an Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness for disasters, but an entire department dedicated to homeland security…eh…

This is why the FBI is back to stop this havoc and we have a better and improved FBI director, to watch somethings. Ok alright ok @yosebleed


Your state technically has a Department of Homeland Security, its just a Office part of the Office of the Governor

An office, opposed to a entire dedicated department, are two totally different things.

According to the New York City Office of Emergency Management, No it isn’t. At the state level its considered a Sub Division of the Office of The Governor.

I don’t live in New York.


http://gohsep.la.gov/ If we could turn our DHS into an emergency based agency that would be better.

The NYS Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services isn’t a real DHS nor do they operate as such. All they do is assist federal, state, and local emergency services with disaster preparedness, counterterrorism, and things of sort. They do nothing in law enforcement.

"oh because DHS does not do the same work as the other LE agencies, we just do intelligence and protection details"

  • well in that case, we all have overestimated DHS’s duties and I think the developers will be removing the law enforcement tools (handcuffs/citations) as well as removing patrol vehicles if they aren’t needed.

"it’s because DHS command will not let it/don’t want it to happen"

  • oh sorry since when was DHS command a part of congress???

"we can’t let DPS near us because we have classified information"

  • that’s not what DPS regulates. DPS regulating the policing work, not intelligence work

"we do just fine without DPS"

  • well so do the other departments but they have DPS

  • again, I ask that you take a look at the policies of DPS and you’ll see how simple it is


  • on another note, why isn’t NG: Military Police under DPS either???

I can answer that one, because in real life Military Police (Security Services (Air Force), Masters at Arms (Navy)) are not under any Department of Public Safety

yeah and DHS is not a real department in the states in real life, so where do I sign the abolish DHS bill?

I would call up your local State Congressmen/Congresswoman to get one started

on another note, why isn’t NG: Military Police under DPS either???

In my opinion DPS just wants power over all departments. If they had power over FNG:MP, they would be telling us where to stand, what we can and cannot do, and giving us bullshit guidelines because apparently according to DPS it is unprofessional if you wear a religious necklace over your uniform and not tucked in.

They’d probably infiltrate our discord and pick apart every little bit of it, firing anyone for any small thing. Oh, you jokingly said something slightly rude or offensive? Free termination! Not to mention how the secretary launches investigations and terminates people for offensive things yet he himself posts 9/11 jokes in the SCSO discord.


You have this as a barrier of protection: (An Act to Establish General Employment Rights)