Who you voting for?

Who you voting for?

  • Canadian
  • Code_Law

0 voters

Are you a sway vote or locked in?

  • I could change my opinion at anytime
  • I’m confident but may change if a major event happens
  • I’m dead set on who I’m voting for and won’t change

0 voters

For those who said they’re a sway vote, what will determine how you vote?

  • In game events
  • Discord events
  • Q&A
  • Debate with candidates
  • Interviews
  • More released plans

0 voters

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CanadlanLaw and AestheticallyHappy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:






:skull: “scoreboard” You saw you were getting absolutely cooked in the polls when it was just a test of people naturally stumbling on it, so you went and DMed every single one of your supporters to vote you to close the gap so you feel better about yourself.

For your own sake, don’t embarrass yourself :pray:t6:



That announcement was sent 2 hours after you DMed everyone, their mom, and their grandma because you were salty you were down 40% :skull:


As shown in the photo all people are supporters
Canadian keeps switching up claims!

I don’t disagree that you DMed every single one of your supporters, I think that if you have to manufacture the results of a poll instead of let it naturally play its course, you are extremely self-conscious and scared you will lose (inevitable result regardless)

Before you raised the alarms and started pissing your pants because you had supports in the single digits, you saw the results were 70% to a measly 30% (one of the worst in history), you chose to then DM every single person who supported you to manufacture the results (we dmed no one), and you are still somehow down in the polls.

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30 votes dont represent 200+ voters mr speaker! See you in the debate

Out of 30 total votes?

All do is whine and complain why? If you so confident that you will win why are you so defensive

So stop saying “everyone” cause that is fasle

Notorious liar Code_Law continues to lie, no one cares about the polls, you brought up “scoreboard”, I brought up facts. I just thought it was interesting was all, only one of us is begging people to switch sides and vote in polls (hint its not me). It’s genuine advice, manufacturing poll results is not going to help, sending 40 DMs in 3 hours because results are unfavorable is bad strategy.


First off, I didn’t even know you saw it it was suppose to be just for a picture and yet again Speaker Canadian is on the attack, you have claimed that I “ran because I blocked you” truth is no, ur that egotistical that you actually think that’s the reason. And before you yap your mouth, the whole reason I ran was for the sake of democracy.

And everyday in this governors race you’re showing your true colors.

I would love for you to post evidence of this instead of saying random s### to make me look bad :pray:

whole lotta yapping going on rn save it for the debates…