What The 150% Wage Increase Means For You & The FS Dollar

Prices of goods still go up


omg firestone doesnt even have a real economy its not that hard to increase wages

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We still have private business I don’t think you realize that. Path’s Guns is privately owned, Path can choose to raise the prices. Pretty much all the banks are privately owned, they can start levying fees, it goes on.


Sharm is either too lazy or too huevon to understand this game is based of realism and therefore more profits (wage increasement) will mean more price increasement

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hit the history books guys: what happened after ww1 to the Germans? everybody was poor or something, so what was the solution? give everybody more money, print more money. what happened? money became worth less and less in Germany. and soon enough, and apple cost 1000 or something.

tldr: increasing the wage will make the FS dollars be worth less


when it comes to economy, this game isnt realistic about that lol

obviously im not saying give citizens millions of dolars, im saying give them 4 dollars more each minute or so. because citizens only get 240 dollars an hour and that is nowhere near enough for a game (would take a lot of autoclicking to get a single gun)

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Three words for you @anon89270917

It’s A Game.

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true tho

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That we like to roleplay to simulate real life.


We DoNt HaVe An EcOnOmY

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if you want to make the economy like real life, maybe start by not having cash come from the middle of nowhere? For example, where does the cash that citizens, officers, county and state officials etc get each hour come from? Not taxes for sure, its just being printed. Because right now, theres no real economy and it is the opposite of realistic

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The reason for mainly shoots is because people buy guns at different times. You can’t tell someone “HEY! Philip just had a shooting so please dont do one for 30 mins! or Hey! Pink just did a shoot out so dont do one 5 hours!”

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Fed stated Taxes will happen in v3, but im sure we will still have universal basic income since Firestone is socialist by design.

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V3 result of increased pay:


Sharm, It isnt as easy as adding a extra 4. Theres different codes for different ranks for each job, and each job has a special math calculation. Its not just “Give me 2 minutes to change 1 number”

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tax’s in a legos game? :joy: I’ll commit tax fraud

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I hope theres a way to do that- and a consequent charge!

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The group administration is printing money to hand out to everyone. Congress manages who gets how much. We get money back when you spend it.



printing money doesn’t actually give a state more money

it just decreases the worth of their currency


All bad thing that comes from giving citizens more money is that some criminals will get money faster for guns. The inflation and everything is just over exaggeration