What should DPS be to the public?

You shouldnt filter those in your department with you want. That givea vias tendencies. This is where laws for employment need to take place.

@Identitylaw feel free to dm me on discord!

How about legislation that allows us the power to do that…( Not saying it to be rude. Just saying as a suggestion) I think we should work together and revise legislation, because obviously nobody is like the new divisions, and nobody likes investigations. So why not scrap investigations, and appeals. Then make Emergency Management alongside Legal Representation to help with this situation?

That will be Emergency Management, we already have the EAS just need to do some work in thought with it.

as long as FNG is never under DPS, I’m good. I think DPS is good where it is.

DPS is crossing guards in my city


From the standpoint of myself, a Public Safety veteran within Firestone (with numerous assoc. sec. + positions), I’ve always pushed for DPS to become more responsible for ensuring the safety of the public.

I attempted to instate the Office of Emergency Management, along with First Aid qualifications for Law Enforcement Officers, both of which are things that would help improve the safety and wellbeing of the citizens of Firestone. The EAS system was a step in the right direction, in my opinion.

Investigations weren’t something that I wanted to include. I fought against the Governor (OVG at the time), and the Secretary (tommy at the time), to remove investigations. I established IA within the child departments, because that’s how it should be. Although I do agree that there needs to be SOMEONE who will watch over the investigations, an unbiased third party - but DPS isn’t the right department to do it.

There’s no need for DPS to be abolished, you just need to establish better ideas and foundations into the department in order for it to work.

the eas system is the most ridiculous thing i’ve ever seen dps do

if flash was a secretary, he could’ve changed all of this im js.

hey fed banned me so if you want to be like “yo that was kinda unreasonable unban this guy” go ahead

if i could come back i’d 100% be in dps

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@fobagosalot be open to anything and have empathy.

Empathy is not endorsement. Empathizing with someone you profoundly disagree with does not compromise your own deeply held beliefs and endorse theirs. It just means acknowledging the humanity of someone who was raised to think differently.

Just disband DPS…

LEO Departments can handle themselves…

A third-party investigative department be good though, to avoid any faulty investigations etc.

Thats why FBI is here… Just give them the power to investigate.

People in DPS are just a bit power hungry

FBI is not near what DPS is supposed to be doing nor never will do that.

can we abolish the fbi
they are useless
i’ll support the fbi if they do good work

why do we need a 3rd party to investigate though i still fail to see a reason for that other than that dept wanting to act like they run every leo dept

DPS should not always focus on the investigation of LEO Departments. They should focus on saftey of the public.

In V1 everything was fine without DPS

DPS has no degree of communication with dept. IA

two investigations on me (both completed) and DPS tried to re-open both.


I mean, DPS is pretty useless tbh

“The Department Of Public Safety” @Identitylaw how does investigating a LEO’s misconduct pertain to “the public’s safety” the department’s were perfectly fine on there own in v1.

It’s funny how people without a POST Certification or any type of LEO experience can dictate if you’ll have a career In Firestone. They can also dictate if a long employed LEO can be terminated in seconds along without being able to apply to any LEO department (discluding DHS).

No offense to evil but that “department wide training” you had was memey… I mean your the DPS Secertary not the FSP Superintendent. You honestly shouldn’t be hosting department wide trainings like that when all it does it make LEO’s hate dps for being even more “bossy”.

I’m pretty sure many LEO’s agree DPS should actually start dealing with the PUBLIC’S SAFETY rather then LEO’s misconduct. Let IA deal with misconduct rather than DPS.