What is the current point of expungements?

Point of Expungement


There is a current dilemma about if past criminals should be allowed into departments and POST. And people believe that a user can’t have a new life. Which brings the question of whats the purpose of Expungements and how does it benefit the user.


From a purely legal perspective (and not a political one that I can’t dive into), REs serve mainly for two purposes: 1) contest false arrests and citations without the trouble of a full blown lawsuit. 2) remove old records in an attempt at a new life. Obviously the latter is the latest debate in both the general community and the legal one. Unfortunately, the Constitution mandates all judicial proceedings be public knowledge, so we can’t actually “seal” records. It’s up to the legislature and executive to solve the issue at hand.

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The thing is i got a expungement a long time ago accepted and my record has never been cleared.

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People can start new lives. Look at Markehabashi or Tor_Laws.

Our biggest problem now is the courts have gotten lazy. They aren’t even attempting the expungements we have now.

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im blacklisted from fsp, and got terminated from scso for the most bs reason in this state…so how exactly do I “start a new life”

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Does two mass expungements in three days ok


if i was at mark’s confirmation i would’ve nAYED

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except u danny <3

besides even with every expungement done it still requires a semi motivated SC around actually remove the records

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wait i thought dcj’s can do that

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We can, we just don’t act each other’s rulings for prison and such

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@DannyboyJurist say hypotheticly someone has like 17 arrests and wants to “start a new life” can that person get all 17 arrests revoked

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Yes, assuming they meet the requirements by state law

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@DannyboyJurist Perfect, thanks!


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