Water Tanker for V3


What do you guys think about something like this for V3? It’s a fire truck designed to carry a massive amount of water and it would be used in remote areas with no fire hydrants or water sources otherwise, like the state park for example.


All of the V3 trucks are already built, we won’t get a tanker

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I’m not a member of SCFD but I have a few questions.

  1. Is it really practical, can SCFD staff this rig amongst others and will it actually be used?
  2. Why is this absolutely necessary? It can carry extra water, cool, but you shouldn’t be making vehicles for the sake of making them. They all should serve a proper purpose and be useful.

A lot are still missing i’m pretty sure

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to my knowledge all of the models for the v3 rigs are done, zep and cframe regularly post updates in the scfd server

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Zep says they aren’t all done, and on the dev trello there’s a few not checked

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This aint necessary at all, I say this as a member of SCFD (I am not speaking for SCFD). The rigs planned are sufficient for V3


Rigs will go off its own tanks if there are no hydrants, which has yet to be proved as ineffective


Fair enough but the point still stands. We really wouldn’t have use for a tanker.

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