Snacess (the gas station at Redwood) was founded and ran by @TobooRacc for 2 years. I won’t lie there were times when the gas station was active and had roleplays. Toboo build the company from the ground and ran it for 2 years. Recently (around 2 days ago) Toboo gave the company to @tthelakes and the contract was this
Spiderman recently sold it to someone else for 15,000 ROBUX (yes robux) and kept the 15,000 to himself.
Do you think spider was in the wrong?
Spider did big brain move and should keep 15k to himself
Pure legal boi hour here: why would you make this contract. Like, this is an outstandingly shit thing to do and should be handled by administration and DOCM, but this is why contracts are kinda scuffed in FS.
what thomas did was a shitty thing morally but what I think is even worse is that apparently toboo has gone to Roblox stating thomas hacked his account and transferred ownership of snacee’s