Hello fellow Citizens, I, ZackyYoyo am running for the House of Rep for this Term. I hope you give me a chance and read through my speech and plans for the House.
My experience
Former DOC Correctional Officer II
Former District Council
Some of my Plans.
1, Allow departments to handle small matter complaint’s. DPS shouldn’t need to be contacted for something small matter Departmental HICOM should handle that.
2, Establish a Citizen Elected representative for the people to the State. So people can voice their concerns through them and it is heard by the State.
3, Build a good connection with the State and it’s Citizen’s
My summary,
Don’t you want a Representative who listens to your concerns and is always there to help? Well that’s me and I hope you give me your trust and vote for me so I can be your new Rep.
Long Live Firestone