Vonori for Senate 2019

Good evening Firestone,
I am vonori, and I am writing this speech/forum post to inform you that I am running for Senator. I hope you understand my ideologies and plans for a senate term if elected, and I also hope you choose to elect me as Senator.

As many of you won’t recognize me, you may recognize me under my former name, iAviatorPaul, through which username I held the positions of: District Court Justice, Senator (x1 term), and Department of Transportation Supervisor. During my term as Senator, I made many important votes, and drafted, signed, and endorsed many logical and necessary bills which have made big impacts on many political aspects of this state to this day. I also have confirmed many Court Justices, Cabinet Officials, and other high ranking members that hold their same positions to this date, some of them moving on to greater positions.

You may be asking yourself, “Why should I sign this speech forum?” The answer: While I am not going to persuade you to vote for me, I am simply going to indicate that I have many justifications and experiences that clearly qualify me, and make me an electable official. My plans, if elected are to represent and fight for the citizens, and embody them as best as possible. I will not stop fighting for the people of Firestone until I meet their needs, not my own. I plan to address the numerous problems our government faces, be it corruption or criminal organizations (to name a few), and I anticipate to be successful in my term if elected as senator, and plan to eradicate the aforementioned problems.

While I thank you for reviewing my speech above, I hope you choose to support me. I am happy to answer or respond to any thoughts or questions, and you can always contact me on discord at: pauI#0001.

Thank you for reviewing,



I’ll support

DannyboyLaw, esq.


Support :heart_eyes:


Voting. Firestone State Senate Elections, January 2019 | v2