Below, comment any other suggestions/comments you have for v3. These are just suggestions of my own, scfd and the community.
As tested in v2, down the line in v3 the possibility of automated medical callouts that would pick a string of random cases, and vitals associated for each injury.
High-rise building fires
If in V3 and you’re speeding down a road and crash, it should damage your vehicle and eventually making it unable to drive anymore
more animations for SCFD vehicles and tools, and more fires
Interaction menu. A medical agency member may be able to attach LifePak nodes, sp02 monitor, and other tools are attaches to the patient and attached to the Lifepak, the Medic then can select an option on the device, to ask a question to the patient (Pulse, Sp02, BP. And then the Patient can respond via a gui.
HAZMAT leaks when the server realizes there’s a lot of SCFD/DOH on and there is at least one member in TRT (SAR group).
Proper way to salvage a building and what’s inside
Proper tools such as slings, splints and IV bags?
False positive alarms.
Change the ratio of what type of fires occur in v3