[V2 & V3] Emergency Alert System

In real life, when an active shooter is roaming around in a vehicle, the local police department, sheriff’s office etc would issue an Emergency Alert to allow for civilians to stay safe.

Currently in V2 the SCSO and FSP bullpens have computers lined around in them with maps of the current units around, there is a duty supervisor room in each bullpen which doesn’t have said map.

It would be cool if, when a Sergeant+ in FSP or SCSO sits in the duty supervisor chair, it gives them a GUI to issue an Emergency Alert for situations, whether that is for shooters, or maybe in some cases extreme weather.

The emergency alert would appear on everyone’s phone with a sound playing.

This would add a different aspect to roleplay and finding shooters that are at-large, additionally it gives a lot more use to the sometimes forgotten-about department interiors.

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tbh I sure would love to have this in v2 but i doubt it’ll happen in v2 but maybe it’ll happen in v3


thats kinda the point of suggesting it

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It would also be cool to see if some form of News Alert system could be made for FNN and FBC

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I think this is a cool idea in general but if SCFD can’t get their respective bugs fixed I don’t think fed will do this in the first place


i think this would probably be better if we had dispatchers, however that likely wouldn’t happen

regardless, good idea


fun fact: the city of arborfield and my administration created an emergency alert system that you can find in the arbor server. we care about our residents.

not only is it used to issue emergency alerts of ongoing situations in the city but it also gives notifications about ongoing events and things such as traffic delays in the city, like when there is construction and a lane is closed or when DoH hosts Clinics at SCMC

i cant find a picture of the last one we did


:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


Im sure @Co55ie meant one that is linked to the in-game phone and will alert players dynamically.


its not just scfd, its pretty much every department that isn’t LE.

I don’t see this being added for businesses

99% Chance it won’t happen in v2, I can attempt to talk to the founders after the core stuff is ingame to add this to our list.

Dispatching in v3 will be automatic, we have a system in for that.