[V2] Renovations of the Arbor & Prominence Heliports

Hi, your local Supreme Commissar of the Skies above Stapleton County, SeanCityNavy here,

I’ve come to realize that, our heliports are SMALL AS FUCK with a lot of unused and un-needed tarmac. So FDOA would like to propose to the founders a renovation of the heliports. Created by FDOA and given to FedoramasterB98, GetEnveloped or Pathwaybballs for approval.

essentially we want to add a new area that would be able to fit an exclusive lounge, a new/better Helipad boarding gate, as well as a more modernized office area in our Prominence Heliport. these are some concept pictures of what space would be filled up:
Red line: Filled up space
Blue line: F150 Service road
Prominence Heliport:

Aborfield Heliport:

Thank you,
Supreme Soviet of the Skies above the County of Stapleton


How about not having the heli ports in the most unpopulated areas of Stapleton and instead add one in Redwood so FDOA can sort of be useful! :slight_smile:


Support support twke me money agahahaba

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i like this idea a lot, we could enslave @jambxo to make it

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