Good morning y’all, you may be wondering why you think v2 is biased. Well I will explain and it’s a no brainer to us all but the game is heavily favored for criminals to the point where even us in the law enforcement community have been tired of it because well we do not have as much as an advantage to being a cop. Let me explain why,
It takes roughly 1.5 months to be a cop - Yes I can confirm this statement and here’s why. It takes a month for new cadets to be certified to even be cops but you cannot blame that because they need to be taught how to be an effective cop (which I can argue half the stuff that’s taught is ineffective in v2 as a patrol officer). Once the individual completes POST with the tiers and exams, they gotta apply for a department and take another training, exam, and even a field patrol which should make sense because well realism.
There’s a lot to lose as a cop - As a cop, you tend to obey the laws and enforce them. However if you mess up, you can get fired or lose your certification which will prevent the likelihood of you becoming a cop in the future or even go to one of the better law enforcement departments.
Law enforcement has slow cars - self explanatory but if y’all don’t understand, normal vehicles go 110 SPS while criminal vehicles go 130 SPS. Yes we have helicopters but when it comes to rainy weather, it makes it difficult for ASU to locate the suspect (FAA or ASU can correct me on this but they’d have to land as well in that weather). We might have spikes to help aid that but they don’t work 100% of the time and only go so far which makes it where SCSO and FSP has to find spots that are practical to deploy spikes.
Radio - Before I get people saying “well you got the radio” I will just say that half the time no one focuses on the radio when driving. Adding on, most crims have a scanner so it’s more of a risk for law enforcement to state things without the risk of being shot when at a scene.
Guns - y’all know where I’m gonna go with this. Patrol units all have semi automatics which do next to nothing with users shooting with an AK, nonetheless a Deagle. Ye we got a tactical team but there are moments where even SWAT has a hard time taking out criminals because they hop as much as the Easter Rabbit. We got FNG as well but it’s very limited to even call us out and with the recent ruling by the Governor himself, we can only respond for very specific reasons.
Game rules - there’s been a lot of game ruling for cops over certain things which should be common sense. However there haven’t been any new rulings for the criminal side of things.
Updates - There are no LEO updates to help us as cops but majority of updates have favored criminals more.
Now let’s see what criminals have so y’all can get a decently better understanding from a cop’s side of things.
Cars - criminals use at least a demon and at most a mcmaren. Back before the fastest car was a demon, it was the SRT which wasn’t as bad because they go 10 SPS faster (now we go as fast as them for perspective). Adding on, it gives no cops a point to chase because at the end of the day, the suspect gets away. Even at a traffic stop, the criminal will flee and will be long gone by the time you’re at gear 11. Sure I can understand the money problem but I’ll get to that in a bit.
Bail - Criminals can get out with bail almost as soon as they land in jail so what’s the point in having DOC other than being meatshields for raiders who even normal officers can’t fend off due to policies and other restrictions from using an automatic. Sure I’ll get the counter claim that prisoners get no officers but from my experience, usually there’s one officer on which would make it reasonably difficult to protect the prison if that same officer is also tending to an inmate.
Crims do not have a lot to lose - Before I get an army of angry comments saying y’all lose your guns, lemme remind y’all in the criminal community that you can access Rage to store your guns (a lot of experienced ones do anyway). However if y’all get in trouble, the worst you get is 15 minutes in prison maximum (or just bail). Might I remind you that once you’re out, you can continue what you’ve been doing. Sure you may lose money when you die but y’all have a source of income that’s bigger than what us as cops could make in an hour.
Income - Y’all have access to rob practically anywhere and make a handsome amount of money. Sure there’s gotta be a certain amount of cops to be on to access certain things but once the server is active, these locations are easy to rob. So if you die, you can go back to robbing (i understand you need tools but if you’re smart enough, you can store them as well to my knowledge).
Communication - I understand y’all do not have a radio but you got a scanner which comes in handy if you were to find out where the cop is enroute to. Mind you, y’all as crims can get into a vc and have everything planned out which I will commend because as frustrating as it can get with a convoy of demons ready to ambush a cop with your aks, it’s interesting to see it play out.
Accessibility - Y’all have convenient locations for dealers, however most of y’all got skull island. Majority of you have boats as well which is something that law enforcement lacks unless if you go MD, CG, or parks. Even just recently you got a vantage point where you can get to skull quicker.
Pursuits - From my experience, most pursuits tend to involve a secondary car so when the suspect escapes on foot, his friend can unlock the car so they can make their escape. Now I remember that this was FRP in 2020 but usually criminals get away with it in today’s time. It’s frustrating yes but that’s the type of thing us cops have to deal with. It also doesn’t help that night in v2 is 90% present so it makes it easier for criminals to go in all black vehicles without headlights and make their escape.
Alts - Well, this is both a blessing and a curse. Personally I’ve never used a crime alt because I just find being a cop to be fun and all that. However one thing that alts can do is for a leo to send money to the crime alt making it so the alt can have the resources to become a criminal. Now if caught, the cop can get charged but let’s be real here. Unless if you are an idiot, there is no way to prove that your legal main sent money to the criminal alt and vice versa.
Newer criminals - So before I conclude, I will highlight this because it’s something to consider as well. These guys tend to come in with little money so tools can be hard, which I understand are easy bait for cops to make an arrest. However if they get the right friends, they can be just as successful and the cycle continues.
Now I have accumulated the majority of stuff I’ve seen which I find frustrating (and can be understandable from a law enforcement officer’s point of view). Am I suggesting that criminals should be more lenient with us because we have our disadvantages? Heck naw, it keeps the game engaging because well criminals wouldn’t have fun if they made it easy for us to get them. It’s a cops and robbers game for crying out loud! But from what I’ve seen lately, I thought it’d be appropriate to highlight how v2 is more biased to the criminals even if criminals tend to deny it.