Under the Influence Act Proposal

Under the Influence Act” proposal

-Excessive Nourishment Limit: The legal limit for the influence of nourishment is generally determined by factors such as impairment and observable effects on ones own function.

-Offensives: Individuals can face charges if they are significantly impaired by excessive nourishment, affecting their ability to function properly like Redwood crown vics.

-Implied Consent: Firestone may have an implied consent law, indicating that by operating a vehicle, individuals are considered to have given consent to a test, if suspected of being under the influence of excessive nourishment. Refusing a test may lead to penalties.

-Consequences: Consequences for offenses related to excessive nourishment influence may include various measures such as fines, counseling, probation, and, in certain situations, legal actions.

  • Enhanced Consequences: Aggravating factors, like repeated offenses or the presence of specific circumstances, may lead to enhanced consequences.
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Erm where does it mention Nourishment also Regulated Goods probably what your referring to but doesn’t FS regulate goods via DoCM?

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For the record, this is not a bad idea but relies on development implementing something like Ridgeway with sugarcane. Won’t happen in v2, and v3 ain’t gonna happen so no point.

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The law bans being under the Influence of Nourishment which includes all foods and drinks not just one item like Ridgeways sugarcane it is if it is like excessive nourishment like eating too much and being full

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