Threats against the State of Firestone

Hello Everyone,

Your Local Friendly Senator & Secretary of Cringe, SeanCityNavy here to talk about a important thing.

Now just a little bit ago, a Irrelevant Youtuber by the name of AspiringCald or CaldGaming, whatever the fuck that kid calls himself now, there both cringy as fuck anyway, threatened to Exploit this great state. Now I know that the FBI & IO should be looking after this, and also typing this, but at this same time, FBI took a blow when Director Booba2 quit Roblox.

AspiringCald is a danger to the Firestone & Roblox Youtuber Community and he must be taken down before he starts threatening to SWAT us, I suggest we take measures to make sure he does not step foot in our beautiful county we call Stapleton, or make another Harmful Video that is worse or equal to the Logan Paul Video with the dead body.

Who is with Me!

Also, what are your guys thoughts on this, comment down below.

This Message Paid for by the Robloxians against Cancerous Youtubers Campaign and the Ad Council


Where did he threaten FS?

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It was at the end of a stream were he threatened to exploit Stapleton with mods’n shit

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Do you have a vid of it?

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At the very end

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This was today?

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Yes. it was.

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Ok clearly he was joking, but I mean why not just Trello ban him for being annoying? Sounds like a 10x better solution…


Thats the Solution I’m going for

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@SeanCityNavy he took down the video

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He most of known he was fucked

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I mean, you can always bar him.

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Yeah, that works as well

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its true you know it.