In the county, I see little to no drivers yield when turning right on a red light.
This is the safe way to do it:
1. Come to a complete stop at the red light.
2. Look left, then right, and left again. (By moving your camera)
3. Wait for any motorists that have a green light to pass you. Once the motorist(s) pass you or if there is no motorists that have priority, you can proceed to turn right. Same thing for pedestrians using the cross walks.
Now, this is the same concept of yielding. Though, you are not yielding as in pulling over for emergency vehicles that are en-route to an emergency. (That law isn’t followed by motorists either.)
In this case, you are yielding for motorists that have priority over you on the road.
You may look at the title of this post and state that there is no law for this.
Which is why this legislation should be official law: A Bill to Redefine 'Running a Red Light'
In the bill to redefine running a red light, it states:
“Drivers shall be mandated to stop at any red light for a minimum of three seconds before turning right onto the new road. Any individual using a vehicle that drives through an intersection, road, street, turns right on red without stopping, etc, when a red light appears on a traffic light shall be charged with Running a Red Light.”
Most recently, there was a bunch of drama involving Sheriff Straphos for this very reason.
It should be a hefty fine for failing to yield at a stop light or failure to come to a complete stop at a stop light. And the reason being because this will cause accidents, and fingers will be pointed.
So this bill should become official law or a new bill should be proposed if this one has failed.
You would think that we wouldn’t need a bill for this because it is common sense. But we all know not all motorists have common sense.
~ CertifiedLaw